first of all: amazing... but im a bit confused. the first version you posted on page 1, there is a map folder and a buildings folder. in buildings fodler there are 2x slimehutch (and slime hutch) and in maps there is slimehutch. uh... can you explain again? i mean.. what exaplty is the right one
Oh you're right! That was a mistake. I misfiled an xnb. You need Slime Hutch in your buildings folder. (That's the one with the space in the middle.) Hmmm, maybe with OP's permission I can just make this an independent mod thread where I can included instructions and updated/altered version in one place...
Okay! I've gone ahead and collected all the different versions of the mod I've done so far and put them all in one zip folder. I've also included a version of the custom asset mod that doesn't have the bar and kegs to maximize your free space in there. The barn interior mod is pretty roomy so I don't know if I'll do the same with it too.
Okay, so for those of you who don't really care much about realism and immersion I've made an alt version of the interior with bar that is VERY BIG. Like, to nearly unreasonable proportions big. (I've also updated the previous zip with all the edits to have this one.)
Okay, mild update to the Winery Mod. I fixed the graphical issue that put green artifacts around lights in other areas of the game. I also made an alt version of the interior colors that will be gray instead of sandy.
Can you make it so we can place furniture inside the winery? I tried placing some tables and bar stools in front of the counter, but it won't allow it. :T Pretty sure I'm using one of the earliest versions tho, if you've already fixed that...
Unfortunately I can't! The buildings that allow for placing furniture are hard coded so I can't do any coding trickery here to convince the game the slime hutch is, say, the inside of your house. However, when FarmHand gets done I'll be able to make this into a proper winery building that I assure you you'll be able to decorate as you please. Until then you'll need tIDE to decorate the winery. I can probably mod in the bar stools and tables if you like, but then there wouldn't be a lot of space for your kegs.
Do you think you could move the bottom two bar stools to the opposite side of the tables? That way there would be more room for kegs on the sides of the interior.
Sure. One with and without the tables. (Ignore the blue square, that's just tIDE's highlight. It won't be in the mod.) I also included a version that puts the cup on the left table for visual balancing.
I'm sure this must be annoying, but could you perhaps make a version with the stools in front of the bar without the tables?
There you go, and I don't mind the tiny change request. I had tIDE running to edit my Elliott shack mod anyway so it wasn't a hassle to just copy and paste an asset from one place to another.
Have fun with your army of kegs! Also, sorry I misread your request and put the stools behind the bar instead of on the other sides of the table. d: