Wiki is wrong. Help me fix it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Squidacious, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Squidacious

    Squidacious Master Chief

    I recently found an error over on this official Wiki page:
    where it says "The pool in the southwest is the only location where the Woodskip can be caught. It also contains Carp."

    I have since caught a Woodskip in waters other than the one stated above.
    I did not realize it was an error until after I caught and progressed a few days and then stumbled across this page reading up on some things.

    I have not edited a wiki page yet and was wondering if there would be any proof needed before doing so?
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      The entry on Woodskip itself lists the Forest Farm layout as another location where the Woodskip can be caught. Is this the other location where you mention catching one?
      • Squidacious

        Squidacious Master Chief

        It was in the river near the bridge that leads to the beach actually.
        Also was in Winter.
        • Lilliput

          Lilliput Supernova

          Like most Wikis (Wikii? What is the correct plural of 'wiki'?*), the Stardew one is player-edited. While I doubt 'proof' is required to post an edit, keep in mind if someone doubts the veracity of the information, they can edit it right back out again.

          *Entirely rhetorical question for my own amusement.
          • Squidacious

            Squidacious Master Chief

            I will probably leave it as is until I find another one and screen-cap it.
            It would be a waste of time if someone were to do that and change it right back. Hahah.

            I'm not sure but I like the sound of Wikii better. c':

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