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RELEASED Whobound 3.1.3

Tardis, Sonic Screwdrivers, Coats, Sandshoes, 3D-Glasses, Long Scarfes, Fezes, Bananagun + soon more

  1. Kranyolsu

    Kranyolsu Yeah, You!

    Ok, so the quest works now. (Yay!) However, the game doesn't seem to be able to call an animation for mech deployment causing a crash. Seems like mechs don't like Whobound.
  2. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lol, ok I'll see what I can do. If you can, snipit your starbound.log file here. It will help me track it down faster.
  3. Kranyolsu

    Kranyolsu Yeah, You!

    Exception caught in client main-loop
    (AssetExeption) Error loading asset

    Is that what you where looking for?
  4. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yup, race specific cinematic. I'm at work still, so probably won't see an update till early early tomorrow morning or later tomorrow. I'll try and get it working sometime tonight though, thanks.
  5. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lexicon-Prime updated Whobound with a new update entry:

    Bug Fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. AlienXtream

    AlienXtream Big Damn Hero

    is this on steam workshop? if not, can it be. would provide auto updates to clients when available :p. if you don't intend to put it on steam could someone else have permission to do so on your behalf?
  7. AlienXtream

    AlienXtream Big Damn Hero

    also, a regeneration styled respawn animation would be cool :)
  8. Laigron

    Laigron Space Spelunker

    yes regneration would be cool and also TARDIS take off sound when ship fly not only in teleport,
  9. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ok, I've uploaded to the workshop now aswell...
  10. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    The tardis sound in flight would effect all races across the board. There is no way currently to make that race specific. And I'll work on another respawn animation eventually.
  11. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

  12. Laigron

    Laigron Space Spelunker

    Ok then sound no. And be fine or cool when after teleportation or flight to a planet when going out be seen a box. I make a feel better but mod itself is fantastic. and sorry for my english ian no native-speaker.
  13. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lexicon-Prime updated Whobound with a new update entry:

    The Timelord (Protectorate)

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. CaptainKyros

    CaptainKyros Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Would it be possible to make the TARDIS expandable like the space station?

    Got the idea from this imgur post i saw on reddit: http://imgur.com/a/awPmd
  15. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

  16. hum4n70rch

    hum4n70rch Space Hobo

    is it possible to change the torch to a different sonic like the 11ths rather than the 1st because i can't figure out who
  17. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can purchase other torchs in the bag whobound crafting interface.
  18. ChatNoir

    ChatNoir Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello. Are you accepting help to develop the mod?
  19. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

    Possibly, depends on what you had in mind. I have a road map for things myself but life's been hitting me some sideballs so I've had to put whobound on the back burner for a bit. Granted i just put it back on simmer so there are updates otw. Pm me and we can discuss this futher
  20. Lexicon-Prime

    Lexicon-Prime Pangalactic Porcupine

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