Who did you marry?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by piratezevelyn, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Megzzzx

    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

    And he is almost 25. Haha. I still love him though. He does work really hard at a physically demanding job and gets up at 3am. So I cut him a little slack. He makes a lot more money than I do. So without him I would probably starve anyways.
    • Iffydust

      Iffydust Starship Captain

      I married Sam in the game and he did the exact same thing with wallpaper on the top for :O I had just put up my favorite wallpaper and was so proud of myself, next day "Honey, I did a little redecorating is'nt it pretty" I was like "WHAT DID YOU DO HONEY, WHY WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I didnt talk to him for the rest of te day I was to mad at him.
        lilly_ampleton and Megzzzx like this.
      • Kashmir

        Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

        Lucky. I put a big blue stuffed bear next to the oven to keep him company. Woke up, and he was standing in front of the bear staring at it. I went out to do chores, came back, and he was still staring at it. Left, went to the mines, came back around 8pm and he was still staring at it. When I went to talk to him, he tells me that it takes a lot of energy to keep his body fit. I almost fell off my computer chair.
        Maybe he's just broke on my save.
        • Landwalker

          Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

          Man, I'm never going to be able to get married in SDV if the spouses pull things like that. My wife reorganized our closet this weekend and I almost quit talking to her. Not because I had it organized the way I liked it, but because I respond to changes to my personal environment in a somewhat... hostile fashion. >_> (I guess we now know why my wife and I are cat people.) Having my SDV spouse just up and re-wallpaper or re-floor something after I had actually put in some effort to get it looking just so... I'd have to take them on a picnic to the quarry, and make sure I brought a nice shovel.
            lilly_ampleton and Iffydust like this.
          • Megzzzx

            Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

            I reorganize stuff all the time. Cory doesn't care he still just puts stuff wherever he wants...which means the first place that looks good. Like in the kitchen. If he unloads the dishwasher he will seriously put the cups next the plates and bowls next to the cups. Like I don't get it if you see all the bowls in one place, all the plates in one, all the cups in one, all the glasses in one, all the mugs in another. Why doesn't it click to put things with like objects?
            • Landwalker

              Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

              Ah, see, everything has a home. I don't actually care where that home is, but dammit it has a home and it has to go there. And I don't like it when things that used to have a home wind up somewhere that isn't (or wasn't until yesterday) their home.

              Of course in a week I won't care anymore, because all of the contents of the closet will have settled in to their new (grumble grumble new things suck) homes. And then, since they'll be properly homed, I can put them there without it causing any sort of cognitive dissonance. But until their homes are fully established, it is displeasing.

              Change. It's stupid. :nope:
                Megzzzx and Iffydust like this.
              • Iffydust

                Iffydust Starship Captain

                I'm the same way with the hostile reaction, if someone tries to organizie my stuff. The stuff has a home and they should be at home. My poor boyfriend got to know that the hard way when he tried to tidy up after him, putting stuff at the wrong place :lod: His a dog person he says he is not but he totally are, I'm a cat person and I can tell that he is not XS He is good with animals do :love: and a lovely person when his not putting stuff were they don't belong :confused:

                Change is stupid, it's okey if you are the one doing it yourself
                  Megzzzx likes this.
                • Megzzzx

                  Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                  Sometimes it is. Sometimes it is nice.
                  • Kashmir

                    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

                    I thought I was the only one like that. Thank you, this makes me feel less anal about this stuff.
                      Iffydust likes this.
                    • Mythoss

                      Mythoss Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      I like Robin because she's not your typical female cliche. I feel like I'll be waiting forever for them to get divorced. What to do....what to do.
                        lilly_ampleton likes this.
                      • Wrexxman

                        Wrexxman Lucky Number 13

                        I am planning on hooking up with Leah. Love redheads with ponytails.
                          Wildroses likes this.
                        • Charade

                          Charade Space Hobo

                          I married Harvey. He seemed like the most mature and also the one most in need of loves~ Plus in harvest moon I always wanted to go for the doctor but never got around to it.
                            lilly_ampleton and Megzzzx like this.
                          • VoodooHyena

                            VoodooHyena Void-Bound Voyager

                            Of course this is the first question I am going to answer on this forum. /cough .v.

                            When I started playing, I was absolutely and completely convinced I'd marry Shane. Back then the option that he's going to be a marriage candidate wasn't even clear,
                            all I read was that ConcernedApe would "consider" making him into a candidate. Which was far from being official. But I was so sure of it, lol.
                            Then I played a lot more. And the more I played, the more I realized that I like Sebastian a lot. I went from "Nope I won't marry anyone but Shane" > "Well, if i wouldn't
                            marry him I'd marry Sebastian" > "I guess I could create a seperate file for marrying Shane" > "Nvm I am so going to marry Sebastian" > "I NEVER GAVE ANYONE ELSE
                            I'm so happy with that now. I can relate to him a lot too.

                            TL;DR: I married Sebastian and I love that guy more than I love myself.
                            • NikkSword

                              NikkSword Pangalactic Porcupine

                              I married Haley, then Abigail, and now I am working on Penny.
                                Megzzzx likes this.
                              • Megzzzx

                                Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                Guys, I finally did it, I finally settled down. It was a hard choice but I went with Sebastian. And the first thing he said after we got married is that he was taking a walk because he needed some time alone... :cry:
                                • NikkSword

                                  NikkSword Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Should have married Haley!
                                    lilly_ampleton and Landwalker like this.
                                  • Niesamowitek

                                    Niesamowitek Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Well, It was a tough choice so maybe I will share my opinion on certain candidates first.

                                    Abigail - At first she seemed okay, I was always finding 'gamer girls' pretty cringy but theese two first cutscenes were okay, playing games was pretty unique and this flute song quite atmospheric, yet she ruined everything in the 6 heart event while acting like some edgy, childish teenager, then I gave up on her (I got the 8 heart cutscene that was directly implying she has a crush on me, whatever, deal with it).

                                    Haley - Goes from whiny, irritating (yet interesting in some way) girl into character-less, reformed angel, I'd even say it gets too generic and boring later-on. Yes, It's nice to see character development but it wasn't that well-made in this case IMO.

                                    Maru - I didn't even bother to give her any gifts (excluding birthdays, cause I wanted the achievment), why? Because I completely don't get how anyone can be attraced to some nerd-girl that wears clothes that look like potato bag, that's the end of the story (also, her dad is creepy with his quotes in the first cutscene, what the f... ).

                                    Leah - She's actually quite nice, especially because the fact she's the only one that bothers to actually visit you in your farm. I like the cutscenes and dialogues, I was even planning to choose her, but something interrupted....

                                    Penny - Even though I didn't get to like her too much from the begging (she seemed extremely shy and awkward), after some time, when new dialogues were unlocked I realized that there's no choice but to make her live on the farm, mostly because of endless pity I felt. There's few reasons, If you look at other girls it appears that they all are handling their lives quite good, aren't unhappy in any way and even if they have some problems you solve them by few interactions (like Leah's art exhibition or Haley being a bi... a mean person), but Penny is an exception, her goal is only to have a normal family and escape the trailer full of her mother's empty beer bottles. Also as you can see every other bachelorette has a quite fitting male friend, It's easy to see Leah and Elliott or Haley and Alex together, but Sam... He doesn't fulfill any of Penny's expectations, he's a manchild that wants just to start a band and ride his scateboard on other people's mailboxes, not too much of a family man to me, and, considering the small population of Pelican Town, it's unlikely that she'll manage to find someone and not share the fate of her mother.
                                    • Megzzzx

                                      Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Nooooooooooo. I like Sebastian. I just really didn't want to marry a girl.
                                      • Megzzzx

                                        Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Well then... I'll go call my fiance and tell him he should go be attracted to someone with better fashion sense and less nerdy.
                                        • Landwalker

                                          Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          I bet Tiffany has very stylish clothes.

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