Modding Help Where go Custom ships in Furious Koala ?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Front Row, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. VL4DST3R

    VL4DST3R Big Damn Hero

  2. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wanted the absolution done as well, it looks like an awesome ship. So I did it myself.

    I also did the other races, but it didn't want to upload the .zip of all of them, so here's human absolution tri-engine working in furious koala.

    Attached Files:

  3. Darkling

    Darkling Void-Bound Voyager

    Attached Files:

  4. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Made, packed, shipped. Have a better one.

    Its got a few problems in it, such as no way up to the bridge to start with, and all the lockers have the spawn goods instead of just one (a lot of redundant matter manipulators there), but those are problems with the ship from before, not the conversion. I could potentially fix them, but neither are to game-breaking (getting to the bridge is useless 'till you beam down and mine some ore, and by then you can make platforms), so I didn't bother.

    Attached Files:

    Scarletting and Darkling like this.
  5. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    More specific please, there are about 6 different ship versions there. You want the Gilgamesh? The human spacecruiser? And which variant/version of said ship. Lemme know, and either I or one of the other nice guys around here will see what we can do.
  6. ProfMalcolm

    ProfMalcolm Space Hobo

    I have dl the HumanAbsolution, it works on a new character, but not on the character I created first.
    Do I must to restart a new game or there is a way to do?
  7. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    GOOOOOOD question. What you need to do is take everything you have put onto your ship and keep it in your inventory, or on a planet somewhere. You can leave the locker, fuel port ect. but everything else must go or you will lose it. Then you need to log out, and go into your player folder ( ...\steam\common\starbound\player) and DELETE ONLY your .shipworld for that player. If you can't tell the players apart (ie. Got tonnes of them), looking at the date modified in the details view or in the properties of that file will tell you when you last played that character. If you sort by last modified (using the details view, MS windows only) the one up the top will be your last character (or the bottom, make sure it's decending order, not accending.)
    If you don't want to do that, then new character is really your only option. Good luck!
  8. Scarletting

    Scarletting Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, can you please pack this ship mod to use with Furious Koala? Floranized Human Spacecruiser by Gorgalog.I'd really appreciate it. (for Floran race please)
    This is my first Starbound mod, I was going to wait for larger ships in vanilla but I have so much stuff to store away!
    Should I empty out my ship first?
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  9. VL4DST3R

    VL4DST3R Big Damn Hero

    Plus 1 - Gilgamesh varient - with working airlock and Plus 1 - Gilgamesh varient from Optional Files. Just for human race please :). If you can't do both, at least the first one. And thank you so much for helping us !
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  10. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There you go, for the floran race. Like the Nobu, it doesn't have any way up to the bridge to start, but that won't effect your gameplay too much as all the lockers and stuff are on the bottom level. Again, due to original design, not conversion.

    Next up, the GILGAMESH!

    EDIT: Just realised I forgot to rename the .modinfo (I just paste the ship into a template I made from my first conversion and work from there). This wouldn't brake anything but I fixed it anyway. DL updated here.

    Attached Files:

    Scarletting likes this.
  11. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Attached Files:

  12. Scarletting

    Scarletting Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you very much! Wee! *runs off to greenify it all*
  13. Scarletting

    Scarletting Void-Bound Voyager

    Wait, should I take Starbound off auto update? If they patch the ships in some way, will I lose everything?
  14. VL4DST3R

    VL4DST3R Big Damn Hero

  15. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    At this point there are supposed to be no more player wipes. Mod incompatability may still be a problem, but chances are the only thing will be going into the .modinfo and changing the version from furious to whatever they patched to. If it's more than that, I'll always be here to deal with it.

    EDIT* changed the quote to the actual question, not the post above it :zzz:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  16. allumen

    allumen Aquatic Astronaut

  17. Deathsta

    Deathsta Intergalactic Tourist

  18. Gatinho_Gamer

    Gatinho_Gamer Yeah, You!

  19. JohnGrimm

    JohnGrimm Starship Captain

    Just a heads up to anyone trying to update an older custom ship for Furious Koala you do not need to deal with packing and unpacking at all. If it's old enough to require you to replace an existing dropship.structure you can set up a folder for the two pngs and the structure file like you would any mod.

    If you need a reference download a more recent custom ship and just copy the folder paths and the modinfo file and adjust it to your needs.
  20. Nattywwc

    Nattywwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Already done, see post #24, file attachment USS for download.

    ALSO already done, post #31, attachment

    Please read entire thread before posting, and have fun with your new ships.

    As for other guy, working on those ships now.

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