Question What's Your Favorite 2016 Presidential Candidate? (North America)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slippery Slime, Apr 9, 2016.


What's Your Favorite Candidate?

  1. Donald Trump

  2. Ted Cruz

  3. John Kasich

  4. Hillary Clinton

  5. Bernie Sanders

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  1. Lavranzo

    Lavranzo Pangalactic Porcupine

    So... we're screwed no matter what, really..?
    Vith likes this.
  2. Tbshirk

    Tbshirk Void-Bound Voyager

    Who do I want to win? Bernie Sanders. Do I think he's going to win? No. I mean hey, he's a socialist Jew. So was Jesus (Even though i'm not christian, I agree Jesus did great things).
    Lavranzo likes this.
  3. Lavranzo

    Lavranzo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Actually, despite hating Trump, and in every way being against almost everything he stands for, I'd rather see him winning than Hillary. I mean, he'll only ruin the US, Hillary is so much more threatening to the entire world (Especially the people of the Middle-East I think).

    I think this thread really shows the demographic of Starbound-forumers. I'm so happy to find that most people are very sensible, and the few who aren't, at least have some way of argumenting for their cause.
    Vith likes this.
  4. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    Actually, I'm a Conservative. I just refuse to vote for an idiot and I happen to like Bernie best.
  5. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    *sigh* 2 things that can incite conflict. Religion and Politics.

    If I could choose though it would be between Sanders and Hilary (if only for the novelty of a female president). Heck we had a female Prime Mister downunder what's taking you American's so long?

    That said, while I care very little about American politics this presidential run does concern me because of one man. Donald Trump. If he gets elected as your president you have my heartfelt commiserations.

    We in Australia might have idiots and clowns to run our country but at least they aren't bigots and sexist pigs.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    Lavranzo likes this.
  6. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    I'm not sure what you mean when you say Hillary is a threat to the entire world. I really haven't noticed this at all, considering she was the Secretary of State and did a lot of work in the Middle East.
  7. Tim the Slipperman

    Tim the Slipperman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm surprised politics are allowed to be discussed here. Most forums I peruse discourage or outright prohibit political topics...

    Anywho, my favorite candidate would have to be Bernie Sanders. John Kasich would be my second choice, but perhaps I'm biased towards him because he's from Ohio like I am, and not as extreme as the other choices (i.e. more moderate/liberal, compared to Cruz, Trump and even the 'Blue Dog/Boll Weevil' Dem-In-Name-Only Hillary)...

    Don't like any of the others. Trump and Cruz would just make the already rich richer and the rest of us poorer. Hillary will also do that, plus she also threatened to ban all video games a decade ago; I'd be worried she'd go forward with trying to do that if she does become President...
    (Nothing against having a woman President, as long as it isn't Hillary or someone as bad or worse such as, say, Sarah Palin or Sharron Angle. I'd like to think that Elizabeth Warren or Jill Stein would do quite well as our President...)
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  8. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    So long as it doesn't turn into an outright war between posters and we respect eachothers opinions without being offensive and abusive to eachother the mods will let it slide. The second it degenerates into a monkey fight then they will close and probably delete the thread.
    The Squid likes this.
  9. theChillestThem

    theChillestThem Master Chief

    I just want to say that John Mcafee seems pretty gosh darn credible, is an aware and insightful individual, and if he showed (or shows, I'm still waiting for a miracle) any promise of winning, or even passing the e.c., I'd be behind him 100%. As it stands I'l probably go for Sanders and hope he does less harm than good, but I haven't made up my mind yet .-.
  10. alextulinov

    alextulinov Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP!!!!!!!!! Jokes aside definetely sanders
  11. Kaede Grimwater

    Kaede Grimwater Existential Complex

    I really wish there was a option to vote none. These candidates all make me not want to live on this planet anymore.
  12. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    Forget the two morons. I'm going with Gary Johnson
  13. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Mythril-Jelly and Inf_Wolf14 like this.
  14. Mythril-Jelly

    Mythril-Jelly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm legitimately afraid Trump will start WWIII, the nuclear apocalypse, and form the Enclave shortly after.

    Watch it, he'll buy Saudi Arabia's biggest oil rig and name it Navarro. Phase 2 means Super Mutants in power armor and Frank Horrigan himself.

    ...After all, the Enclave wanted to "Make America Great Again" and were pretty xenophobic.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  15. Higuera

    Higuera Cosmic Narwhal

    Cthulu 4 president 2016-forever! :V (But seriously, i'd take Trump over Hilary, since hilary has the same plans as the current german prime minister who did let EVERY single person from the middle east in and gave them citizenship/passports... Plus ehhh, Trump DOES have a huge successful buisness...) (I may also be male too, and if you haven't noticed, it's pretty much a witch hunt)
  16. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    But he's bankrupted almost every business. Seriously, check out Gary Johnson. Not many people seem to know about him since the media only covers the two.
  17. TheNewTeddy

    TheNewTeddy Astral Cartographer

    "North America"? Is this a purposeful troll?
  18. TheKillerNacho

    TheKillerNacho Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ...No option for Gary Johnson?
  19. HueHuey

    HueHuey Parsec Taste Tester

    Clinton, because she sounds like the average US president, while Trump sounds like he wouldn't know what he's doing if he does become president.

    I would have liked to see Sanders win, but i would have been surprised if that happened, and he likely wouldn't have gotten much done because congress.
  20. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Hold the phone. There's another option? Does anyone know this?????
    TheKillerNacho likes this.

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