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What's Wrong With Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Cereto, Nov 6, 2013.


Not posting? Tell us why!

  1. Starbound is perfection in the form of interactive art.

  2. I'm sure there are flaws, I just can't think of any right now.

  3. It's too early to tell.

  1. Cereto

    Cereto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Who doesn't.
  2. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    Join my clan ASU!!!
  3. Cereto

    Cereto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll read about it and let you know. =]
  4. Ursadorable

    Ursadorable Void-Bound Voyager

    How can there be a poll on how the game is flawed when it isn't even out yet? *mind blown*
  5. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Jeez.. This question derisively gets asked so much, yet its answer is so simple to understand.

    Starbound isn't a food. You don't have to taste it or smell it to know what you don't like, or wish could change about it.

    "The monsters are too colorful."
    "I don't like the way Avians look."
    "The starter ships are dreadful."

    These are things that are immediately apparent. You don't need to play the game for a week to decipher that. Even with food you can say that you don't like toe nail clippings on your cheeseburger without eating a McToeJam.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
  6. Ursadorable

    Ursadorable Void-Bound Voyager

    People will forgive and forget about alot of superficial things if the gameplay is fantastic.. and we won't know that until we've had a chance to play it.
  7. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    I don't like how the ships are working (as I understand it.)
  8. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    I hope the game doesn't go too 'cutesy' with the characters and mobs. I'd like to see the game a tad 'darker' than I've seen thus far.
    Cruellyricisti likes this.
  9. Soulcrifice

    Soulcrifice Big Damn Hero

    Keep in mind the mods. Mods will make it whatever it isn't. So if you really wish it was "darker", i'm sure there will be mods to fit that need.
  10. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm anxious to dig into the mod system here, that's for sure. I was deep into the mods system over at don't starve, so I have high hopes for Starbound. (not that there's any similarity other than LUA)
    Soulcrifice likes this.
  11. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Just because they are willing to work with those things doesn't mean they end up liking them.

    In that same vain, just because they have a problem against something doesn't mean that they can't/won't like the game. This isn't a "why aren't you going to enjoy Starbound" thread.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    Colton and Cruellyricisti like this.
  12. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    The monsters are too colorful: Most monsters seen so far have been edited to colours the devs liked just for the image (Mollygos said it) and wont look like that on the game.
    Avians look awesome in my opinion.
    Starter ships are being redesigned.
    PlayMp1 and Tleno like this.
  13. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    agreed. (still eating pie)
  14. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Those were examples...................................................................... Why would you respond to examples that don't matter? Why?

    Why...? Someone liked the comment too... I don't... I can't comprehend.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    Colton, Cereto and Cruellyricisti like this.
  15. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    But, arent mine after all counter examples? You gave examples of things you think are wrong, i gave you examples of how those things are being fixed. And they wouldnt ´´not matter`` if you used them as examples, i guess?
    So yeah, the main point of my post is that the game is still on the work and shouldnt be judged atleast until open beta stage 2, in my opinion.
    Tleno likes this.
  16. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Those are not examples for things I think are wrong. Those are examples I was using to illustrate the types of comments someone could make using the information we've seen of the game without having to play it first to come to those conclusions...

    Not to mention even if it was "Avians look fine to me" is not a counter to "I think Avians look bad"... That's just a different opinion... Neither are right, neither are wrong, both are valid, and THAT'S what this topic is about.

    What are things you would change about Starbound if you could. What (to you) in Starbound is wrong. There are no right answers, there's nothing for anyone to "win" here, and waiting until the game comes out, or stage 2 of the beta, or Feburary 11 at 5:31pm, doesn't make your opinions any more or less valid about the things you would change if you could about the game.
    Colton and Cruellyricisti like this.
  17. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    But, what if a feature you though would suck turns out to be amazing, more than it would be the way you expected it to be if you changed it?

    Anyways, theres always modding for such troubles :p
  18. ExplosiveCrate

    ExplosiveCrate Phantasmal Quasar

    Honestly, I'm really starting to hate the forum's attitude of "just mod it in" towards anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of Starbound. It's the sort of attitude that eventually bleeds through to the developers. Why make anything when the fans will do it for us? It's the sort of thing that made Notch lazy and caused vanilla Minecraft to stagnate for several months.
    ThatMadCat, Colton and Cruellyricisti like this.
  19. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    hmmm... good point. Talk to molley or george with your ideas. He always responds
  20. Admiral CherryTurnover

    Admiral CherryTurnover Cosmic Narwhal

    Well they seem to at least be doing quite well in the hype department, especially if the game didn't exist and was instead fabulously animated for stream. (tin foil conspiracies! I know)

    As for the quality of pixel art, I see it similarly to that of entering doodles into a notebook/sketchbook; some spot on and pleasant to look at (and in some cases easily to ignore and go about to the next page), and those that may seem to be a little off and irrelevant to the previous art styles.

    In many cases it is best to leave in these reject-able pieces, allowing the artist (and viewers) to rediscover them in a new light; in which they may exclaim " Oh yeah, I completely forgot about this guy, I'm kinda glad it was left it in... but still, What was I thinking?"
    or redesign/delete it entirely.

    But in a sense, in regard to a game with such a massive database of planets and worlds, having something for everyone to consider Good, Bad, and ugly gives the game a profound outlook and experience that reflects upon our reality in this world. Having familiar concepts and experiences will allow this game to grip onto a lot of people, since they will start out in the game with something to relate to in an alien environment.

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