Whats up nerds

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by ZettaFactored, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. ZettaFactored

    ZettaFactored Aquatic Astronaut

    Greetings, whomever roams these lands now.

    I used to be pretty active here years back under the name of "FactoringZettaShonic" (and before that, Livelysupersonic).
    I was curious what happened to the people i used to talk to here, so i made a new account to check it out.
    Daikon Ocelot likes this.
  2. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Hello! Nice to meet you.
    ZettaFactored likes this.
  3. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Welcome back to the forums, Zetta! Nice to meet a veteran of this forums, cause I am one of the many new member here (just joined last year).
    ZettaFactored likes this.
  4. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    welcome back, zetta! i remember you c:
    ZettaFactored likes this.
  5. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Another vet has returned > w>
    ZettaFactored likes this.

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