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What Types Of Planets Are You Hoping For ?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Jenkinz, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    Personally, the frozen planet is going to be one of the first planets I'm going to visit (penguins FTW!!), but I'm hoping for a planet where everything is really big and you're really small ^_^ What about you ?

    New Planets After Each Update Will Be This Colour

    Updated List ::
    Trashdump/Wasteland Planet
    Medieval/Primitive Planet
    Living Planet
    Planet Full Of Furries
    City/Factory Planet
    Candy Planet
    Planets With Eternal Day/Night
    Corruption-Themed Planet
    Equestria Planet
    All Water Planet
    All Ice Planet
    Lava / Fire Planet
    Dinosaur Planet
    A Planet With Many Biomes Populated By Sentinent Animals
    Machine Planet
    Mirage Planet
    Low Gravity Planet
    Earth-like Planet Where All The People Live In The Clouds Because The Land Is Occupied By Giants.
    Earth-like Planet Where Everything Is Beautiful And Nice During The Day, But Turns Evil At Night.
    The Luchador Planet
    Giant Gas Planet
    Supercomputer Planet
    Reverse Gravity / Upside Down Planet
    Planet Namek
    Living Sentient Planet
    Hobo Planet
    Jungle Planet
    Artificial Planet
    "Planets with randomly generated civilizations. Allied or hostile, human or alien, futuristic or not."
    Stone Age Themed Planet
    Ghostly/Graveyard Planet
    Desert Planet
    Neon Planet
    Terraria Themed Planet / Abandoned Terraria Planet
    Mechanical Planet
    Manapunk Planet
    Rainforest Planet
    Transformer Planet
    Rocky Planet
    24/7 Party Planet ( Name the planet "JShore" ? ;) )
    Nightmare/Scary Planet
    Jello Planet
    "Planet full of Industrial complexes and abandoned cities."
    "A Planet Within A Planet" <-- Planetception
    Tropical Planet
    War-zone Planet
    "Planet covered in slime and the citizens are slug people."
    "Planets with pre-historic animals/monsters" <-- Dinosawr planet >:3
    Zombie Planet
    Toxic Planet
    "Planet ravaged by nuclear warfare" <-- Fallout anyone ^_^ ?
    "A planet made of penguins"
    "Inter-galactic disco rave planet"
    "A planet made up entirely of floating islands"
    Escher Planet
    Halloween Planet
    Film Noir Planet
    Planet With Ancient Ruins/Fossils
    Equestria Planet
    "A planet made up entirely of cheese"
    "A planet comprised entirely of iced cupcakes"
    Steampunk Planet
    Level 100 Difficulty Planets
    "A planet that constantly changes/transforms"
    Rocky Planet
    "A planet with plants and trees that glow at night."
    "A deathstar-esque planet that is filled with traps and rigged for death"
    "A planet that is just one gigantic library"Giant Supercomputer Planet
    Completely Hostile Planet
    A Planet Made Of Diamonds
    A Planet Filled With Unicorns
    Overgrown Planet
    Moveable Planet
    Moon Glass Planet
    A Giant House Shaped Planet For "Benny" To Live In ^_^
    Spaceship Graveyard Planet
    A Tar Filled Planet
    A Planet Made Entirely Out Of Hair
    "A planet formed from a plugged blackhole" // A Planet that orbits around a blackhole.
    A Planet Made Up Of Bacon
    "A planet like in Asuras Wrath, which turns into a big parasite and you must rush into the core to destroy it."
    South Park - Themed Planet
    "A planet that is comprised of musical instruments"
    Deserted Planets
    "A planet that builds other planets"
    "A planet covered in a pale blue fur"
    "A planet that's really a sun"
    Arctic Jungle
    A Pokemon Infested Planet
    "A planet entirely comprised of Tiyuri's tangled scarfs."
    "An Amazing Planet... Where everything amazing happens."
    "A planet which is actually just a giant floating head"
    "A planet that turns out to be a giant sleeping beast."
    "A giant space zoo"
    "A shadow planet with no natural light source"
    "Post apocalyptic planet"
    Maw, SmoothGuy, Jääkäri and 25 others like this.
  2. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    A planet of many biomes populated by sentient animals.
  3. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    I want a dinosawr planet >:3
  4. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    Did I mention the different species are at war and you can take sides, make peace between them, or massacre all the things?
  5. King

    King Former Staff

    My main and only desire is a Machine planet.

    mmm... robots.

  6. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    ...*tears up a little* such a beautiful idea :3

    I'd probably just massacre them all xD
  7. EWA

    EWA Twenty-three is number one

    I hope for all kinds of planets. I love discovering things. Also a Machine planet or a Dinosaur planet would be awesome. Or a Machine Dinosaur planet.
  8. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    I would capture the Kings/Queens/Presidents/leader of your choice and demand a ransom. And then massacre all the things.
  9. Cederz

    Cederz Void-Bound Voyager

    all i want is a mirage planet where things change time to time (so obviously building is not safe)
    avian2 likes this.
  10. Dsc

    Dsc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I want a planet that's completely hollow and the gravity is reverse to where you can walk on the inner crust of the planet and if you fall you fall into space and explode.
    CrateMuncher and Galthran like this.
  11. EWA

    EWA Twenty-three is number one

    Ohh also I hope there are planets that inhabited and have civilizations on them.
  12. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    A planet where everything is friendly and beautiful during the day, but at night, everything turns evil and horribly disfigured would be awesome :3
  13. EWA

    EWA Twenty-three is number one

    Thats a cool idea.

    Also a planet with no gravity would be cool.
    Aurii82 likes this.
  14. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    I think the opposite would be cool too, you're the big guy and everything is very small and you're like a god to them.

    And I would like to see a Planet that is made out of crystals.
    Dassery likes this.
  15. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    How would you stay on the planet if it had no gravity o_O You'd float away xD
  16. Epicface

    Epicface Heliosphere

    You obviously mean Planet Epicface!
  17. EWA

    EWA Twenty-three is number one

    Not really all it would do is allow you to float and jump higher. Now if a planet had reversed gravity then you would float away.
  18. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    No gravity=nothing to hold you to the planet. It would just be you floating around. You would need a propulsion system of some kind just to explore. Reversed Gravity would send you flying away from the planet.
  19. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    No gravity = you don't move. You were probably thinking of a planet with low gravity ^_^
    Polar ! likes this.
  20. EWA

    EWA Twenty-three is number one

    Yeah I probably was.

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