Heya; So I have a ship now, and I got my weapon from my last post working, but now I'm trying to add materials (specifically a platform) that fits the design of the ship. However, the item doesn't appear in-game by any of the names with /spawnitem and the recipe file I made crashes the game entirely when I try to open the crafting menu. What's breaking it? Here's the .material file, which I made based on the ApexShipPlatform material: Code: { "materialId" : 556, "materialName" : "silvershipplatformplatform", "collisionKind" : "platform", "itemDrop" : "silvershipplatform", "shortdescription" : "Silver Ship Platform", "description" : "Durable enough to withstand the demands of space travel.", "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Platforms like this are used in space ship construction.", "floranDescription" : "Sstrong sship platform.", "novakidDescription" : "This platform's strong enough t'keep from gettin' boot scuffed.", "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightmetal.ogg", "category" : "Supports", "renderTemplate" : "/tiles/platformtemplate.config", "renderParameters" : { "texture" : "silvershipplatform.png", "variants" : 1, "lightTransparent" : true, "occludesBelow" : false, "multiColored" : true, "zLevel" : 0 } } And here's the recipe file: Code: { "input" : [ { "item" : "money", "count" : 500 } ], "output" : { "item" : "silvershipplatform", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "plain", "all" ] } I've attached the texture itself to the post. Thanks in advanced for the help!