Well..about Starbound console versions...

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by GGrajenowski, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. GGrajenowski

    GGrajenowski Space Hobo

    well.... firstly I wanted to say a huge ''THANKS'' to creators od Starbound, that's really the best pixelart game I have ever played! Really!
    But let's just get to the point - I heard that Xbox One version is comin'! Buuuuut...what about PS4 version?
    cause I don't have Xbox and my computer dosen't allow me to play Starbound on good quality ;-;
    The main question is: is there going to be PS4 starbound version?
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    It was planned some years ago, but that appears to have become less of a priority. At this point, my understanding is that it's still a possibility, but not a guarantee. We might hear more about it after the Xbox one port.
  3. GGrajenowski

    GGrajenowski Space Hobo

    I hope so!

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