Modding Help Weird Config Keys?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Arshness, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. Arshness

    Arshness Void-Bound Voyager

    So I'm trying to use pathoschild's update for Better Sprinklers, which the SMAPI wiki page says is updated. I can't get the hotkeys to work at all. I go into the config, and instead of the usual culprits, we have this:

    "ConfigKey": 75,
    "HighlightKey": 114,

    I have no idea how hotkeys correspond to numbers.
    How can I set the keys and get this mod working?
    Thank you!
    • FieryChaos

      FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

      The keys correspond to these numbers; however, they will convert to standard enumeration after loading the game once, so you can just use that (letters, numbers, function keys, etc.)
      • Arshness

        Arshness Void-Bound Voyager

        That also didn't work. I change dit to just "K" and it didn't change.

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