I can't find any information about why it is down right now. Which sucks even more. All the great websites go. I hope this one doesn't.
I don't think there is anything to worry about. From the fork projects there is announcement an issue with one of the video handlers is causing disruption in service. So chances are they just took down the site until the code can be fixed. Most likely be back in a day or two. Edit: See you guys panic too much all back to normal now. Guys need to chill - always on this end of the world notions.
Important announcement Channel is back up and live. Our problem is over. Sunday night will go ahead as planned.
Sunday was a good night, and a few people decided to join in. Which is great The main post from now onward will be updated every Monday with the countdown for the Sunday night. I hope to see more people using it
Heeeeeeeeeeey, gonna hop there. EDIT: Read the thread and woah, you guys freaked out juuust a lil bit...
Sorry for posting twice again but its Sunday and 6pm If you join in I won't be there for a lil bit. I got some stuffs to take care of first.
Its open now if people wanna join. Some people are in but I am making a big-ish update to the room and this post to be there. Enjoy everyone