[WebApp] Stardew Checkup -- Achievement & Completion Progress

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MouseyPounds, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Sophiel777

    Sophiel777 Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi @MouseyPounds,

    I've been going through a Stardew Checkup app which you've created, and I've noticed a potential bug.

    It's about one of the last entries at the bottom:

    "has a pet with 1000 friendship points."

    So for the past few days my save file has been displaying:

    "+1 earned (pet with at least 999 friendship points)"

    What concerns me is the number 999. I've been petting my pet and giving it water for the last couple of days and this number is still 999. Shouldn't it be an equal 1000? Either that, or the "has a pet with 1000 friendship points." should have 999 instead of a 1000.

    Either way there could be a bug in one of these sentences.

    Please let me know about your opinion.
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
    • BentFX

      BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

      The entries for Grandpa's Evaluation are just totaling up the items relevant to the evaluation. The evaluation gives you a point for a pet with at least 999 friendship points. It's not telling what the current friendship level is, just that you've earned the point for a friendship higher than a certain level.
        MouseyPounds likes this.
      • scibirg

        scibirg Aquatic Astronaut

        Thanks to this app I was finally able to get a 4 candle evaluation from Grandpa!
        • Sophiel777

          Sophiel777 Intergalactic Tourist

          That still doesn't make sense.

          In that case, there should be no "has a pet with 1000 friendship points."

          Instead, there should be "has a pet with 999 friendship points."

          Because the following sentence states "+1 earned (pet with at least 999 friendship points)".
          • MouseyPounds

            MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

            The app always tells you something about the current value and then follows that up with whether or not that value was enough to trigger the achievement/points.

            The line "has a pet with 1000 friendship points." is telling you the current friendship value for your pet. The following line "+1 earned (pet with at least 999 friendship points)" tells you that you have scored 1 point in this section of the evaluation because you have met the qualification for it, and that qualification is owning a pet that has at least 999 points.
            • erio_ink

              erio_ink Intergalactic Tourist

              Hmmm, for some reason, this is not working properly for iOS. So many of my donations are not counting.
              • MouseyPounds

                MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                If you can get me a copy of your save file, I can take a look. There might be some slight differences in the format that the app needs to adjust to.
                • MouseyPounds

                  MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                  @erio_ink sent me their save file and I found a small difference in the namespace designation that was causing the app to fail to parse locations & NPCs correctly. A new version has been uploaded that hopefully fixes this issue.
                  • RPink

                    RPink Space Hobo

                    I don't know if it's something on my end or what but it appears that Stardew Checkup just straight up doesnt load my save file... the progress bar doesn't move at all. I left it running for 5 1/2 hours and went to do other things, came back, no progress. Is there something up with the website as of late that I missed? And yes im using the 9 digit save files ;P
                    • BentFX

                      BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

                      I just uploaded a save file and it worked. When MouseyPounds gets around he's probably going to ask that you upload the save file. In the meantime you can try uploading this one, just to ensure the problem isn't on your end. It's an early game file so very little is accomplished, but it's the same file I just tested with. It should work.

                        Attached Files:

                      • MouseyPounds

                        MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                        As BentFX said, I'll need a copy of your save file to troubleshoot it. If it takes more than a few seconds to see results, you can be sure something broke. Additional information which might be useful would be what web browser you are using, what platform you are playing on, and what mods you are using. But the main thing is the save file; just zip & attach it like BentFX did.
                        • MagikChicken23

                          MagikChicken23 Void-Bound Voyager

                          I was trying to use StardewCheckup on a multiplayer save, but only seem to get the Host's character data. I'm specifically looking for the Farmhand stats, so that doesn't help much!

                          Save and Screenshot are attatched:

                            Attached Files:

                          • MouseyPounds

                            MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                            I see what's wrong, but don't have a fix yet. The web apps use the presence of a "userID" field to tell if a cabin is empty or not, and your farmhand "Luke" somehow doesn't have a userID so they are skipped. I'll have to come up with an alternative way to verify if a cabin is empty now, but in the meantime I am curious about your setup. Which platform is the farmhand using and which method do they use to connect to the host?

                            EDIT: OK, I've pushed out an update which should detect your farmhand now. Hopefully I didn't break anything.
                              Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
                            • Aspiring Ally

                              Aspiring Ally Space Hobo

                              I love your Stardew Checkup! Especially to see what I need to craft and what events I still need to experience! But I have an issue I'm unsure if you can help with. The checkup shows that I have unlocked all house upgrades and received the relevant achievements however within my game and on Steam the "Moving Up" achievement is saying to have not unlocked. I have tried the fix detailed in another forum in regards to editing your save file to delete achievements and change your house upgrade to to do again so that the game can unlock the achievement, but it hasn't worked. Any advice would be appreciated!
                              • MaloHD

                                MaloHD Intergalactic Tourist

                                Does this app work on android? I could see it potentially working as you can check saves manually on android but its difficult for non tech-savvy people to find certain stats etc
                                • MouseyPounds

                                  MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                                  I don't know if anyone has tried (I don't have an Android mobile device myself). If the javascript libraries run on that platform and you can acccess the save file it will probably work since the saves aren't significantly different. I don't know how mobile-friendly the output would be though.
                                  • rawstarr

                                    rawstarr Space Spelunker

                                    Now i reviewed everything and it says for mine (since i am trying to get every stardrop I just finished the fish one and ate last stardrop to no achievement your programs says
                                    Stardrops left:
                                    1. Found in the chest on mine level 100.
                                    2. Mailed by Willy after Master Angler achievement
                                    I found the one on level 100 duing my year 1 i am on year 4 does that mean it is a bug in my file
                                    • MouseyPounds

                                      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                                      If the app lists them as unclaimed, the mail flags for those stardrops are probably missing in your save. Those same flags are checked by the game when trying to award the achievement. Out of curiosity, how much max energy does your farmer have?
                                      • rawstarr

                                        rawstarr Space Spelunker

                                        If I eat the one I have in my Mailbox which is the fish one I have the attached picture which is 508 now.. and i attached the game file i do not want to go pass this day (as when i ate the last one which was the Master Angler one it did not go off) so i didnt know what to do and i reallly do not want to start over so all help is appreciated

                                          Attached Files:

                                        • MouseyPounds

                                          MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                                          OK, give this a shot. I added the mines stardrop flag to your save so eating the one in your mailbox should trigger the achievement.

                                            Attached Files:

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