Hugoroxas submitted a new mod: Weapon Reinforce Pod - Reinforce your weapons Read more about this mod...
Hugoroxas updated Weapon Reinforce Pod with a new update entry: Support for all weapons, including modded ones, revamped system Read the rest of this update entry...
Excellent mod! But it has a bug in not recognizing weapong with "elements" or armors. Only show 9% rate. Any ingot but no work.
could you make it so that later reinforcements (10,11,12,..) give off a greater increase in power? because I was testing it and only got around only a +5 to dps every time
Looks like the bug-fix on the Steam version was not propagated here... tried digging through to see what this typo was... couldn't figure it out.
Does this mean you will abandon the non steam mod? All tier 6+ items won't upgrade unless they are legendary and unique.
Hugoroxas updated Weapon Reinforce Pod with a new update entry: bug fixes mostly Read the rest of this update entry... ----- Nah, I don't plan on dropping support for the non steam version. Its just that updating on steam is easier, has more feedback and also because i never use the forums, only used it to post the mod actually. I'll try to remember to check here more often.
Any way i can increse chances a bit... its all fair and all but i dont have time on my hands or patience to mine and click 200 times to upgrade that firework launcher to something usefull. So need some better numbers here,to save time and stuff... great mod btw,you would think it should be vanila station.
With version 2.2 I also encountered random weapons which had the same error as screnshotted at Is there any chance to look into it? ps: please dont abandon non steam oweners, keep posting the mod here...
I don't think they abandon us, I think it is a conflict. I know for me, it conflicted with Manufacturer's Touch, I don't know why, might have something to so with LUA coding, might not. Try uninstalling mods that change your weapons in some way, I know it doesn't conflict with FrackinUniverse. Edit: Okay, I figured out one thing, and I think it is more of an overflow issue, it works with just Manufacturer's Touch OR FrackinUniverse, but not both.
Is it possible to make it so only a certain tier of weapons can be upgraded further because this along with Common Weapon Upgrade System - Balanced breaks this ones functionality.