For PC we have mods: Horse to Llama Retexture Skeletal-Undead Horse Moped Scooter Horse Riding Clint, Demetrius, Morris, Pierre (I'm not going to comment this one...)
LMAFO THE LAST ONE!! Ommmg lol, but how cute! I have on pc so that good! But i enjoy playing on my switch way more :c, thanks ima use mod next time on pc
Regarding that last one... not sure I WANT to know! Regarding llamas and alpacas, I don't really know much about them, are they comparable to a horse for speed? Pretty much the only thing I know about llamas and alpacas is "they are cute"...
Am I the only one who isn't too fond of this idea lest CA gets labelled 'ripping off Minecraft' in the process of this?
Minecraft didn't invent Llamas or alpacas. Many games had these animals before Minecraft had them and nature had them at first. So I think, the game industry is ripping of nature. And I don't think, they are very fast in the long run, but they are so fluffy! IRL the wool is what you get of them. Oh and alpacas make funny sounds.
As far as I know, them being used as mounts is a game thing (and a common one at that), they're mostly used as livestock and beasts of burden really. So their speed as mounts uses artistic license I guess.
Llamas you can collect wool from them, more expensive than alot of wools actually, peru use them as pack animals, they 450lb and can carry Alot of stuff everywhere just like camels, they spit, they're camlids, meaning they are relates to camels. And alpacas are wayyyy smallar, and i have no facts about them lol. We well actually it wouldnt happen, they wouldnt get sued for that, if that was the case, they couldve got sued for pigs and horses, which minecraft has and other farming games. Bumping the thread to see if anyone is interested and to see if concernedape can consider it
I watched a few youtubes of that... REALLY bizarre sounds! Kind of like a moo with the mouth closed... I think Marnie having a llama and saying "thought I'd try a llama and see how they react to the cows" or something like that would be good if CA does go that route. No idea if he will, but it does sound interesting!
Yeah, both llamas and alpacas are wool-producers, so if they were included, it would make sense for them to be sheep upgrades.
Except for the fact that it would be fun, and would give the players choices that help to personalise their farm at little extra effort for the programmer.
Fun for you but work for someone else. How much free content do you think your purchase price entitles you to? Lifetime upgrades and content enhancements in perpetuity?
No, not at all. I was very happy with the original game. Anything else is a lovely bonus. I must have read this thread very differently from you, as I didn't get the impression anyone was demanding anything, just coming up with fun ideas. I'm not sure that needs the grumpy shut-down.
I took it as someone wanted to add a loved animal into the game. We've got a pig pulling a travelling cart, who says we can't have a llama or alpaca somewhere? Maybe it would be added to the barn, maybe the player can't get any at first but Marnie has one and if you become friends enough with her she offers to sell a llama to you, maybe it replaces the horse and you get to shear it'll wool once every 7 days. It's fun to think of new ideas to make a game better!
I think you're (rightfully, in my opinion) annoyed at the comments of a few people we've had here over the years who seemed to think the developer should dance to their tune regarding updates, and that all the players were behind them in this. Those threads have typically been shut down pretty quickly, not by the moderators, but by folks like us who really believe CA has done a marvelous job, and gone out of his way to offer us still more content without any requirement on his part. But this particular thread has a tone--to me, at least--of fanciful suggestion, not demand. I don't get a sense that anybody's complaining about CA or the game. Taken in its spirit, this is just a thread for expressing a sense of fun about something as silly as adding llamas. Feel free to disagree with me, but that's my take on this. And I apologize if I've offended any SV-playing llamas out there.
Bingo!! Those are precisely the people who annoy me. Entitled little gamer snots who think the world has an obligation to cater to their every little gamer whim. And as for this thread -- Does not the title "We should have llamas!" sound even a little entitled and demanding? Not "Can we have llamas?" Or "We would like llamas." Not even "Does anyone else think llamas would be cool?" But "We should have llamas!" To me, that screams "We deserve llamas, goddammit, and it's high time someone pandered to us."
We don't get them frequently, here. That's probably why it's all the more of a shock when one shows up, oozing self-entitlement. The core game is great. I paid for that, before CA added anything else. The rest? A gift, by my way of thinking. -I'd add the same, in their own way, holds true for the work of modders. I read the title of this thread, complete with exclamation point, as high spirits. I don't think the poster was trying to garner support, and the idea of a poll on the subject is silly in itself, since CA has never solicited material for changes or additions to SV. You may not be aware of this, but we have a record of silly threads insisting on all kinds of things--my favorite being the one where we insisted that Jas was a demonic entity summoned by Pierre, and working with the dwarf to bring about the triumphal reappearance of Cthullu. Next to that, this thread is pretty tame, I think you'll agree. Unless, of course, the llamas were secret Cthullu worshipers being smuggled into town. If that's the case, all bets are off.