Water glitch help?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Shinyo, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Shinyo

    Shinyo Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi everyone, I'm new here!

    Moding my game I did something that messes up the water. Rather than its normal animation it ends up having green pixels in it, just like the image i found in this thread- Here

    Is there anyway to fix this or replace one of the files looseSprites or one of the Cursor.xnb files? Ive not got to winter yet so im not sure if the common read show pixels is effecting my game yet. I had the same problem with black pixles in the window light but was able to fix that. Each of these seem to come from the Shane girl mod i installed, ( and like a dumb new modder didin't back up the original files that i replaced in the loose sprites file. But luckily did back up my save files if i need to re-install)

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    • Shinyo

      Shinyo Intergalactic Tourist

      Hey all, i was able to fix the problem by unpacking the Cursor.Xnb file, editing the mistakes, and re-packing it. If anyone runs into the same problem as me here are the proper files.

        Attached Files:

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