Watcher Stalking Camera Inc.

Discussion in 'Corporations Archive' started by The Watcher of All, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. The Watcher of All

    The Watcher of All Space Spelunker

    Watcher's Stalking Camera Business is devoted to making cameras to help you stalk friends, families, loved ones, and more! This small business brings you quality cameras to allow you to stalk even the most sneaky targets. Our Cameras are hand-made especially by Watcher!

    Watcher Stalking Camera Inc. is a small business dedicated to helping you stalk others! We have several products, and even more on the way! Our goal is to help the universe watch everyone in it's path, in our founded Watcher of All's vision!

    Mini-Stalking Camera - 1 Centimeter tall/long, YEAR Long battery!
    Zoom-Camera - Perfect for stalking from long distances, using the Zoom In feature. Zooms in up to 100 Miles!!!
    Security Camera Cloak: A cloak for any cameras you have. This will make it invisible to anyone but you!
    Security Camera Packs: Small, Medium, Large - These packs of your choice contain many security cameras to plant around your target, perfect for stakeouts or long-term stalking periods.
    Mind-Control Camera: This camera is normal, but if anyone other than the owner or registered users look at it, they will be mind-controlled instantly into thinking they never saw it, thus impossible to detect!
    Security-Packed Camera: perhaps YOU are being stalked? Put this up and at sign of a possible stalker, this contacts YOU and the Authorities, to instantly aid you!

    If you are buying products, please list them on this thread and I will give you a receipt, price, and confirmation of purchase. Plus the actual product!
  2. Pixelstomp

    Pixelstomp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd like 2 Mini-Stalking Cameras and one Zoom-Camera. Perfect for my next target :love:

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