1. Note: Nightly builds are not officially supported and things that appear broken might actually just be broken with no way of fixing it, but community members may still be willing to assist you with common problems.

Closed warp dos not work!

Discussion in 'Nightly Builds Support' started by adr, Feb 23, 2016.

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  1. adr

    adr Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    when i try to warp to a misson it just dose the beam down not on planet nor animation in nightly. can somebody help me?
  2. AntlerWeasel

    AntlerWeasel Void-Bound Voyager

    Missions aren't implemented right now.
  3. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    Nightly ain't for play

    Stuff is broken. I recommend stable or waiting until 1.0 hits.
  4. AntlerWeasel

    AntlerWeasel Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh yeah its meant for play. Thats what beta testing is, to play test it to see what glitches we find.
  5. Ainzoal

    Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

    If that happens then you're not on the nightly build. A friend of mine had the same problem until we realized she was on the unstable build which has the same amount of content as stable atm
  6. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    It's not intended for normal play. Read the banner at the top of this very page. Anything you run across the community might help you with, but Nightly is not supported by the devs.


    Post a copy of your starbound.log after this happens.
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