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RELEASED Wanderers~ (Liopi's Furry Hybrid Race Mod) Ё1.7.9.6

the wolf is a metaphor! my furries race in starbound. babasiki forever!

  1. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Hi, I'm in the middle of making an extended dialog mod for custom races (since the default conversations are getting quite boring when you use different races and get the same results), and Liopi's Furry Race is planned to be in it. I still have a ton of dialog to go through though, and I could use your help in writing a line or two. (That means you too, Liopi fans! Not just the mod-maker!)
    More details: thread link
    And oh, feel free to delete this post if it gets too spam-y. I'm gonna post this on each included race's discussion page.
    Thanks for reading this, at least!
  2. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

  3. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

  4. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

  5. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

  6. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

  7. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

  8. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh. thenx. work over this now

    Attached Files:

  9. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    OH IT'S AMAZING! I'm in!
  10. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    what do with it?

    Attached Files:

  11. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    Put it in your mod folder, Replace sktest in all files with the name of your specie, and skitfit 1-4 with the name of your outfits. From there you should be able to add in your assets. It doesn't have everything, but you can build on it.
  12. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    no. looked on screenshots. (what I wrote before)
  13. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know how its work.
    I mean what I have problem whith quests (it now start and ship stays on zero stap)
  14. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    I am unsure what is going wrong with your quests. Does your starbound.log have any errors?
  15. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    no, but ship stays broken
  16. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    I'm really confused :S
  17. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    you can test it

    Attached Files:

    • ltf.7z
      File size:
      4.5 MB
  18. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    [21:51:33.462] [Error] Exception caught loading asset: /objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua, (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua'

    Do you know where this is referenced? as I'm getting this error. Also i noticed you didn't rename the teleporterTier0 files.
  19. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh OK thenx
  20. liopi

    liopi Pangalactic Porcupine

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