REQUEST Wallpaper and Flooring that match the Spouse rooms?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by GBDetective, Apr 14, 2016.


Does it bother you if the bedroom floor and walls don't match your spouse's side of the room?

  1. Yes.

    155 vote(s)
  2. No.

    7 vote(s)
  1. GBDetective

    GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

    Is there anyone out there that knows how to extract the wallpaper and flooring that the spouses use on their side of the bedroom when they move in? And then have it replace one of the default in game walls/floors you can buy?

    I think only Abigail's and Haley's wallpaper are available to the player by default? (I haven't check every single spouse yet.) There are some corresponding patterns for some of the other spouses, but they're usually not actually matching. Like I can only find flooring with Sebastian's woodfloor pattern in different colored woods and not specifically his. The only thing close to Alex's football wallpaper includes baseballs and basketballs too. There doesn't seem to be a wallpaper anything like Elliot's at all.

    I don't know how difficult a process this is, or where to start even. It's just that it's a bit odd that you can't match the rest of the room to your spouse's walls and floors to make their little attachment seem like it's actually part of the bedroom.

    I'd appreciate any advice to try to extract it myself if no one wants to do this. I've never made a mod before though, so it may have to be a lot of advice. :facepalm:
      Cemo likes this.
    • bulbaswat

      bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      If I can get a picture of each bachelor/bachelorette's add-on room, I should be able to do at least the floors, and probably the walls as well. I currently only have Sebastian, but I'll see what I can get from other saves on the thread here that's been gathering them. I haven't been able to find them in the files, but I should be able to recreate them from screenshots.
      • GBDetective

        GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

        Thanks for looking into this!

        I went and ran a couple of the saves from that thread that said they had a spouse. I took the screenshots at both 100% and 125% in game zoom. I hope they're large enough to extrapolate from.

        (Dougl07's save) Elliot:

        (taintedwheat's save) Harvey:

        (Moeppelchen's save) Leah:

        (DatRaph's save) Penny:


        I think Abigail's wallpaper is available in game already, but just in case-
        (cure's save) Abigail

        Are the 100% zoom shots or the 125% zoom shots better for you? All the pics are on Imgur too.
        I will try to find saves for the other spouses.
          Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
          bulbaswat likes this.
        • bulbaswat

          bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Alright, so far I have Sebastian, Harvey, and Elliott floors and walls done. Elliott's floor seems to match one of the pre-existing ones, but other than that, the others seem new. I grabbed your screenshots for Abigail, Leah, and Penny, so I should be able to do those when I get some more time. I would also like to know your preference for which ones to replace them with, as I don't think there is a way for me to add them as brand new ones. Here's the original ones, so just tell me which ones you'd like replaced by taking the image and marking the ones you want changed in paint or something.

          Also, it might be a good idea for you to put images in a spoiler in the future, it makes it easier to scroll through the page.
          • taintedwheat

            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

            Could there be a smapi map overlay that can override the spouses room to let you put your own?

            Dude.. omg harveys room is nerdy as hell but not cute ]:
              RoastedCoconutz likes this.
            • Nightscaled

              Nightscaled Tentacle Wrangler

              Oh man, Penny's wallpaper is cuuuute
              • bulbaswat

                bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I'm afraid I wouldn't know. I have yet to delve into SMAPI, as my knowledge of the coding language for it is quite limited. But I agree that would also be nice I think.

                My friend and I both quite like Harvey's wallpaper actually, but from my experience, I have an unusual taste in decor, so take that as you will.
                • GBDetective

                  GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                  A good idea. Went and spoilered the previous screenshots.

                  Awesome! Your work on these is really appreciated. The image you uploaded has Sebastian's wallpaper and flooring (which look great!) already covering three of the default wallpapers, and I'm perfectly okay with leaving your wall recolor right where you have it now, replacing Wallpaper_031.png [​IMG] .

                  I drew a red X over the wallpapers and floors I personally would never use, so overriding them is cool. My only specific replacement would be to replace the default yellow wood floor Flooring_01.png [​IMG] or the green version Flooring_04.png [​IMG] with the recolor you already made. It looks like Abigail's flooring is the same one Sebastian uses, so it should match for anyone who marries her too.


                  Thanks for taking the time to do this. :)
                    farmvillesux likes this.
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    I mean, I dont mind it too bad, idk maybe if the table was agaist the right wall id be less anal about it
                    • bulbaswat

                      bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I was really confused there for a moment. I just realized I forgot to disable the layer that Sebastian's wallpaper and flooring were on, so they ended up overlapping what I was trying to take the screenshot of. Oops. Well, at least it worked out. I just finished the other thing I was doing, so I should be able to work on this now. Let me know if you can get any images of the other ones for me.
                      • bulbaswat

                        bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Okay, so I have the ones I currently have screenshots of made and placed, so I'm going to upload the current version here, as well as on my thread in the pets section. I currently have walls for Sebastian, Elliott, Harvey, Leah, and Penny, and floors for Sebastian and Harvey. Abigail's wallpaper is already in the original, and her floor is the same as Sebastian's. Leah also shares Sebastian's floor. Penny and Elliott's floors are already in the original as well. Here's a preview:

                        To install it, you'll need to replace the walls_and_floors.xnb files in both the content folder and the maps folder. I will update it when I get screenshots for the other spouses. The download is here. If there are any issues, please let me know.
                        • GBDetective

                          GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                          That looks great so far! :) I'll download the current file and test it out after this.

                          I'm still looking around for save files with the missing spouses (turns out Abigail and Harvey are pretty popular here) so I can check them out myself, but until then-

                          Here are screenshots of the remaining rooms from other people:

                          Screenshot was taken today. Someone else took this for me to use for this exact purpose.


                          Also taken today. Another someone took this for me to use for this exact purpose.


                          NOTE: Upload date was a month ago, so I can't yet verify that his room still looks like this in the current patch.


                          NOTE: Uncertain that this is still accurate too. It was taken on March 26th, so it's from patch 1.06 and not the current one-patch 1.07.

                          • bulbaswat

                            bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Eww, Alex and Haley's are jpegs... I can make it work though, I think. I'm not sure how to do Haley's though, because at first glance, the pattern seems to be about double the width of the rest, so I'm gonna have to do either with or without the tree in the pattern, and if I do with, then the trees are going to be very close together it looks like. Let me know what you think I should do for that, for now I'll do without trees.
                            • GBDetective

                              GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                              Still testing out the other replacements you've made, but here's a shot of Sebastian's wallpaper (replacing Wallpaper_031.png) and his floor (replacing Flooring_04.png).

                              EDIT: I think this is the game's fault. It places the bedroom wall a few pixel higher than his actual wall, with more shading appearing at the top. Other screenshots of the regular in game wallpapers have the same issue.


                              The floor inbetween the two spaces remaining the default yellow floor is annoying. I don't know what value I need to change in a save file to edit that space, but I'll looking. So right now I've no idea if the floor matches up perfectly side by side, but it looks great regardless!

                              I'll continue looking for actual save files with Alex and Haley as the spouses to take better screenshots.

                              EDIT: Alternately, if you're okay with waiting, I can just make duplicates of my save where I sleep until a rainy day for the mermaid's pendant, then sleep until the actual wedding. I have a file with them both at 10 hearts.
                                Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
                              • bulbaswat

                                bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                No need to get better screenshots for them, I can make these work, I've just developed a bit of a hatred for jpegs is all, and their effect on images.

                                As for how those people got the floor to match, it might have been by editing the first slot for floor and wallpaper in that image. My original test did that, and it was all seamless with Sebastian's floor and wallpaper I believe.

                                I noticed that problem as well when making them. I'm not sure why it does it, or how to even begin go about changing it, but I tried my best to make it at the very least visually similar regardless. It seems to me like the wallpaper used for the spouse's part of it might actually be larger than the normal wallpaper used for the rest of the house, which would explain why there seemed to be more height for that part than the boundaries I was working with would allow.
                                  katgirl28888 likes this.
                                • GBDetective

                                  GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Someone else just kindly took a png of Haley's room anyway. I don't think you'll have to bother with hers. Part of it is already an in game wallpaper (Wallpaper_002.png [​IMG] ), but only part. Her paper actually has two alternating different panels to it, so there goes that idea!

                                  If you still have a copy of the original test with Sebastian's floor overriding the the first floor slot, I'd like to test that out as well.

                                  On closer examination, all of the screenshots with the bedroom floor strip matching are the mid-level house. Perhaps only the top tier house has that issue.

                                  More screenshots:

                                  • bulbaswat

                                    bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Oh, that might be why it looked good to me then. I tested it on my personal save, which currently has the mid-level house. I'll give you the file anyway for testing though.

                                    I also kind of already finished my version of Haley's wallpaper, and I never noticed that wallpaper existed, so I made this pretty much from scratch, basing it on the pattern in the screenshot. It's pretty plain though, because of the way I did it, so I don't know if I'll use my version.

                                    If I do decide to include it in any kind of finished version, I think I want to make it a little more irregular.

                                    I think this is the right file I used.

                                      Attached Files:

                                    • GBDetective

                                      GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Your version of Haley's wall is pretty good, especially for making it from scratch!

                                      This is another tier three house, so the default yellow wood strip is still there, but otherwise looks perfect.


                                      Thanks for the other file. I'll test it and Penny and Leah's walls now.
                                      • Ambaaargh

                                        Ambaaargh Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                        Oh man I was just thinking about how I wished they had included wallpapers that matched spouses rooms. Huzzah!

                               to have even more reason to shake my fist at pier the 19th time he does the star pattern wallpaper while I wait for him to actually stock the wallpaper I want. :T
                                          RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                                        • GBDetective

                                          GBDetective Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Trip Report: Changing the first flooring slot (Flooring_01.png [​IMG] ) fixes the awful yellow strip!

                                          Replacing Flooring_01.png [​IMG] (but not Wallpaper_031.png [​IMG] ):



                                          Replacing both Flooring_04.png [​IMG] and Wallpaper_031.png [​IMG] from before:


                                          I'll have to look around town to see what else uses the first flooring slot and got changed.

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