Sure thing... *makes some delicious, succulent lemonade* The name is...well, I shouldn't say *gives you a half smile* *looks at it too* W-What's in there?
"I don't believe so either. I'm cobalt"*shakes hand*" if i may ask, how do you seem to suck in light? Are you a black whole?"
*slightly ragged-looking young man wearing a scarf and a dusty leather jacket with a poorly hidden pistol under it walks in* "One Gut Punch, please."
Possibly, I'm not sure myself frankly. Whatever I am I can do this: *Forms a small knife made of shadow in his hand*
Oh, this? *kicks sack, which hisses and squirms more* In that sack is a gremlin. Nasty little creature that like sdisassembling things. Oh, and thank you. *sips lemonade and pays for it with some gems*
"Oh yeah, thank you." *tries to empty it in one gulp and starts coughing and wheezing uncontrollably* "Wow! That´s exactly what I need right now. Okay, another one, please." *grins slightly crazily*
"Don´t you worry. I´m all fine and dandy." *takes a careful sip followed by a much bigger one* "As long as they don´t know I´m here I´m having the time of my life." *takes another big sip, wheezes and inhales sharply* "Now that´s one hell of a drink! Another one if you don´t mind!" *wipes his forehead with his sleeve but leaves behind a trail of dirt in his face in the process*
So long as who doesn't know your here? Also, you have a li'l somethin' there. *Points at streak of dirt across your face*
"What? Here?" *wipes face again but doesn´t make it any better* *drinks start to show effect* "As for your question: What would you do if you just stole... Oh, wait. Maybe I can... HEY! DOES ANYBODY IN HERE NEED A SPACESHIP? IT´S NOT THE NEWEST BUT WORTH THE MONEY! AND IF YOUR NEXT DESTINATION HAPPENS TO BE IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF `THE HELL OUTTA HERE´ I´LL GLADLY INCLUDE MYSELF IN THE DEAL AS A MAID-OF-ALL-WORKS! If that´s even a word." *chuckles* "And before you get a bad first impression of me, he was the worst boss ever. He couldn´t do business for shit and never payed me as he should. So now I´m here, raising a toast on whatever the hell the future might bring!" *raises glass*
"Stupid ape called Stolav. Don´t exepect you to know that name. Would do anything for money but manages to screw up even the easiest job . He´s like the smallest of all small fish. Well, he was. Without the ship he´s nothing but a big hairy jerk anymore." *grins smugly*
Well if I see someone lookin' for a ship I'll send 'em your way, unless they're an apex. By the way, you missed a spot.
"That´d be great. I´ve got plenty of time anyway. Or at least I like to think so... But who are you if I may ask? I´ve met Novakids before, but never a black one." *tries to drink not realizing the glass is empty*
*drinks* "This is... I think... What was I about to say? No matter then. Lina, you gotta give me the recipe for this," *looks down and up again, confused* "Wait, uh... Forgot what I just said."
You were asking me 'bout myself. Names Tenebris. I'm the only black Novakid I've ever heard of. I mostly do mercenary work. What about yourself?