Sorry, I was gone for awhile. College decided to eat a huge freaking chunk of my life. I'll try as best I can to update it, but it may be a little while as college homework is not best homework. I'm glad you like my mod. As for the pixel loss on death, I had considered adding it, but then built a separate mod for it so that it was optional. It's called PenaltyNoMore, and can be found here: ALTHOUGH, I have not updated that one yet either, so do so at your own risk until I fix it!
Getting issues with this mod since the update, removing it means losing my characters, so we need an update asap: Code: [12:33:37.393] Error: Fatal Exception caught: (StarException) An error occurred during loading: (ItemException) Could not create blueprint item from recipe Caused by: (ItemException) No such item 'liquidcoffee' I've tested all my mods up until this point and without this mod in, the game loads, but I lose my characters. >.<' This happens when I try and load without the Voxels Plus modpack: Code: [12:31:03.381] Error: Failed to valid player with uuid [REDACTED]: (CodexDatabaseException) No such codex 'voxelplus1' [12:31:03.391] Error: Failed to valid player with uuid [REDACTED]: (CodexDatabaseException) No such codex 'voxelplus1' [12:31:03.400] Error: Failed to valid player with uuid [REDACTED]: (CodexDatabaseException) No such codex 'voxelplus1'
Yeah, hey dude. Sorry to say this, but people seriously need this mod updated; including me. Is that possible? If not, could the data be released to the public or to another modder for Them to do it? This mod is really useful.
Sorry for having been gone for so long. I plan on reviving this mod. Life hit me like a truck, so I couldn't really work on it for a long time. At any rate, I'm back now and working on an update to make it at least run again!
Meteor_Strike updated VoxelPlus (Spirited Giraffe) with a new update entry: Necromancy?!? Read the rest of this update entry...
Meteor_Strike updated VoxelPlus(1.1.5) with a new update entry: New better sprites! Read the rest of this update entry...
Meteor_Strike updated VoxelPlus(1.1.5) with a new update entry: VoxelPlus 2.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
Literally typing blind here because Windows won't stop breaking, but the Essence Voxels need fixing. All but the 1p Essence Voxel still call for the Pixel-derived voxel for uncompressing.
Do we craft those voxels at Pixel Compressor? if not, can u giv those recipes to it instead of using new crafting station?
can u make a 'lite' version that add only the extra voxel sizes without other fancy features? i dont need nor want them. (more features=higher chance to be incompatible with other mods)