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Bug/Issue [Vita] Gifting Glitch with Evelyn

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kimo Force, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Kimo Force

    Kimo Force Seal Broken

    Minor glitch, but every time you give Evelyn a gift, the game always says "You have given Evelyn a gift today," despite having not done so prior within the same day. There's no line of dialogue from Evelyn herself; this is all I get in response.
    • alexaxa

      alexaxa Space Spelunker

      It happens sometime with others characters too.
      • Xyprus

        Xyprus Space Hobo

        sometimes that happens when you have 2 or more quantity of the item you are gifting. If that's the case after you gift her you should see the quantity deducted. Talk to her without holding anything then she should say her normal response when gifted

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