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RELEASED Violium Katana 1.3.3

This mod adds a weapon with the combined abilities of the Solus Katana and Violium Broadsword

  1. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    [04:39:44.176] [Error] Fatal Error: Access violation detected at 00007FF6C3722746 (Read of address 0000000000000142)
    [0] 7ff6c2f97153 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff6c2f9739c Star::fatalError
    [2] 7ff6c3722746 Star::ButtonWidget::check
    [3] 7ff6c377a0a0 Star::CharCreationPane::changed
    [4] 7ff6c377bc19 Star::CharCreationPane::randomize
    [5] 7ff6c37782f7 Star::CharCreationPane::CharCreationPane
    [6] 7ff6c380498e std::make_shared<Star::CharCreationPane,<lambda_17f2760cd8135039681453c9b1341371> >
    [7] 7ff6c3807fdb Star::TitleScreen::initCharCreationMenu
    [8] 7ff6c3805431 Star::TitleScreen::TitleScreen
    [9] 7ff6c2eca101 std::_Ref_count_obj<Star::TitleScreen>::_Ref_count_obj<Star::TitleScreen><std::shared_ptr<Star::playerStorage> & __ptr64,std::shared_ptr<Star::Mixer> >
    [10] 7ff6c2ecf070 std::make_shared<Star::TitleScreen,std::shared_ptr<Star::playerStorage> & __ptr64,std::shared_ptr<Star::Mixer> >
    [11] 7ff6c2ed64ea Star::ClientApplication::changeState
    [12] 7ff6c2edce34 Star::ClientApplication::update
    [13] 7ff6c36daa72 Star::SdlPlatform::run
    [14] 7ff6c36dac2d Star::runMainApplication
    [15] 7ff6c2edff76 WinMain
    [16] 7ff6c38c8daf __scrt_common_main_seh
    [17] 7ffa79e13034 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [18] 7ffa7c491431 RtlUserThreadStart
  2. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Um... Uh... I'm not sure what all this stuff means.
  3. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    i just confirmed that frackin universe doesnt let any other mod use the solus katana as something for a recipe.
    because it said: Access violation detected at 00007FF6C3722746
    so yeah.
    also i did this for some homework i had to do
  4. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Wow, FU is more greedy than I thought.
  5. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    how about instead of using the Solus katana as an ingredient,
    use what you assume the Solus katana is made out of.
    i outsmarted FU
  6. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    You mean like solarium replacing the Solus Katana in the recipe?
  7. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    yeah. like replace it with Solarium, a battery, and durasteel.
    that's what i think it's made out of anyways.
  8. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Though that would kind of kill the point of you having to farm Asra Nox to get it. It would be way too easy to get that way.
  9. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    then use the ancient key for the recipe instead.
  10. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Well your kinda supposed to be able to get the weapon before destroying The Ruin... Maybe I could replace the Solus Katana with a weapon that is exactly the same but has a different ID.
  11. gartfart36

    gartfart36 Big Damn Hero

    how about asra's diary?
  12. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I guess that could work... It doesn't make much sense that a book would be an ingredient, but I'll see if it works.
  13. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

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