Modding Help Village Generation Side Effect - Novakid Village

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ruti, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    I have run into 2 planets thus far which feature "Apex" villages devoid of most furniture, and staffed by Novakids. They utter Apex lines, however.

    Is this a side effect of the Felins mod perhaps? I know where vanilla spawns an Avian village, I get a Felins village instead.
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard


    The first part is completely unrelated to my work. There's no reason for it to be.

    The second is an expected result of procedural generation -- by installing the felins mod, you changed the inputs. Thus, you get different outputs. Besides, Vanilla's results vary between updates too, since adding minibiomes like Heck also counts as changing the inputs.
  3. Ruti

    Ruti Big Damn Hero

    OK, I was just curious. Changing an Avian town to a Felins one is expected. Part of the mod was defining the build of a Felins village, and it makes sense it might get placed instead of a vanilla race village.

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