Shane added! Ape made a post like a month ago that he's working on the update again and rumor has it it may be ready in a month or so (not getting my hopes up for this to be true tho.) So! Whenever it comes out I'll update my Shane and Emily portraits accordingly.
These are so stunning! I love the art style, and I'll plan to use them in my game in some point! Thankyou for making this :'D
Jas and Marnie look so cute! I think i fell in love whith those I also like Shane's messy hair. Hope you finish all the villagers
Ahh you're back! Thank you so much, I really would love to do all the villagers Since I did Shane, I think I might as well do all the other bachelors next! Thank you, I'm happy you like it!
Added Vincent and some sprite fixes, if you haven't already please redownload Marnie and Jas' sprites Also added green haired Abigail to match Caroline
Thank you so much, I'm really happy that you like it! I'm currently working on bachelors, I'm super excited to finally release them!
In the queue so far is updated Shane and Emily (which I want to have done by the release of 1.1), Sam, and then Sebastian Shouldn't take longer than a week or two!
I'm so happy to hear that! I updated to 1.1 on the Beta and was disappointed to see that Emily was back to normal. Best of luck to you!
UPDATE!! Several Portraits+Sprites have been updated. Shane, Emily, and Jas have been updated for 1.1 Abigail, Pam, Vincent, Jas, and Maru have been improved (added more shading, more contrast, etc.) I will work on the rest in these coming days and I'm also working on the bachelors.
Update: Added Sam, improved Marnie. In case anyone case, also very slightly tweeked Alternate Jas' portrait if you wanna download it again. Currently working on: Improving Haley, making Sebastian.
***UPDATE OCT 7: SEBASTIAN IS DONE! Also rereleased the following with fixes and improvements: Abigail (portrait) Sam (portrait) Shane (portrait+sprite) Haley (portrait+sprite) Hospital Maru(portrait) Thank you for your support, I really do appreciate it! I hope I don't disappoint!
That hair you gave Sebastian... it's sooo good! It fits him really well. And don't worry, you never disappoint P.S: In Sebastian's alternate color's info, it says that colors are based on Jodi's, isn't it supposed to be Robin? I mean those colours look like Robin's
Heyyyy guys sorry, one more update for today: I fixed Sam's stupid eyes, they were driving me insane 'cause they looked sooooo bad next to Sebastian. If you're using Sam's portrait PLEASE redownload, he looks way better now.