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Outdated Vanity Blueprints 2.1

230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

  1. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sethh submitted a new mod:

    Vanity Blueprints - 230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Vanity Blocks coming soon!

  3. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    I have a suggestion, Add a Vantity item called Son Goku's Outfit, And Son Gohan's outfit.
    Sethh likes this.
  4. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ill see what i can do :)
    Presios Saiyan likes this.
  5. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  6. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  7. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    And Two More Suggestions: My Own custom armor Is: Majin Uub's Outfit, It was tier 5 Armor., and It Has 3 Bonouses in it Fall damage, Energy Regeneration,and Increases the health to 100+.

    Vantity Item: Tapoian's Sword: Wear it on youre back, It felt like a wrrior.
  8. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice little mod, I love finding chests full of new vanities to try :)

    One little issue, you made a typo in the "treasure/basictreasure.treasurepool", you spelt sombrero, "sombrerro", which freezes up the game if the game tries to generate it. Not sure if there's any others, that's the only one I have run into so far.

    EDIT: There's quite a few of these issues it seems, I'll add them here as I find them.

    "recipes/soldierlegs.recipe" : says "soldieregs" in the recipe.

    Cant find these items, maybe you put recipes in accidentally?
    -"recipes/fullmetalchest.recipe" / "recipes/fullmetalhead.recipe" / "recipes/fullmetallegs.recipe"
    -"recipes/hazmatchest.recipe" / "recipes/hazmathead.recipe" / "recipes/hazmatlegs.recipe"
    -"recipes/spacesuitchest.recipe" / "recipes/spacesuithead.recipe" / "recipes/spacesuitlegs.recipe"

    This one is wierd, giving a "Improper conversion to double from string" error, I cant find the problem.
    -"recipes/minerchest.recipe" / "recipes/minerhead.recipe"
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2014
    Sethh likes this.
  9. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thank you so much!

    As for minerhead i couldnt figure out what the issue was with that so i decided to just take it out.

    And yes i put those in accidentally xD i just assumed they were items. (maybe items from a mod i installed) Either way they are gone now.
    I have managed to fix almost all of those problems and im looking for a few more. (will update soon)

    Also i converted the mod into .pak to load much much faster.

    Edit: The update might be a while... im finding quite a few :p
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  10. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  11. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal


    I have a crash with tile darkshipwall.material : duplicate material id 201.
    It's conflicting with Wasteland mod.

  12. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    Just got another freeze from a chest trying to generate, this time it was "spacesuithead-recipe", which you removed. Did you miss some from the treasure list?

    Also, now that I've played a bit more, I think some of the things you gave recipes shouldn't have them. Mainly, some of them are actual armours/accessories that have a use, like the lantern stick and the snow infantry outfit, both are already possible to make, and actually do something.
  13. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Changed material ID to 2001 instead
  14. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ahh yes removing all those now.
    Including the space air tank, I dont think that should be there.
  15. klara2013

    klara2013 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hi..very nice mod, how can i add "wicker" to the vanity block console ??

    here: http://starbound.gamepedia.com/Wicker

    cool... and when ?? I can hardly wait... :D :D
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  16. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I will add that in for you on the next update.
  17. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sometime later tonight.

    Im wondering... Should i reduce the cost from 2 vanity coins to 1?

    Edit: Try redownloading now, the dropbox should be updated with the wicker block.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  18. klara2013

    klara2013 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    wow... thats great, so fast... coooool, now i can build my wicker style house. big thanx!!

    for my big house i will need much more vanity coins... reducing from 2 to 1 will help..... i dont know if its too easy then... hmm.
    Sethh likes this.
  19. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well i think reducing the cost would be okay because there will be so many items to purchase. I guess ill just have to test it and see :p
  20. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    Found another typo :p

    In the treasure file, it has "avianadventurepants" instead of "avianadventurerpants", you forgot the 'r', same with the shirt I believe too.

    And sheesh, I forgot about the block console, should look at that, I have a ton of vanity coins. On that note, I don't think you should make anything cheaper, if anything, maybe make the costume items more expensive (250 maybe?) as I always have way too many of the coins it seems. I started making some just for collecting, because I had more than a stack of coins.

    EDIT: Another one, "explorerhead-recipe", not existing item. It also seems you have the explorer set in the treasure file twice.

    Also, you have "divingmask-recipe" in the treasure list, even though the real item is "divingmaskhead-recipe" (which is also in the list)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2014
    Sethh likes this.

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