Hopefully not. I think we have enough recruits. We should probably get a few more though. Maybe 2. Commence advertising methods.
Okay Firepaw is passing so that means we need to find two dudes/ladies who are interested. For some reason I feel that at least one more is nessecary.
Hi. I've been wanting to join. I didn't want to tell you because I don't allways finish my app, but here it is: Name: Snab Cleavewood Gender: Male Age: 18 Race: Floran Appearance: Snab is a skinny 185cm tall floran with blue skin, long orange leaves as hair and yellow eyes. He wears a black and red robe. Personality: Snab is usually calm, quiet, thoughtful and good hearted. He's also a perfectionist. He can sometimes have emotive outburts where he speaks too much, attacks hin enemies in anger or tries to accomplish something futile. Good stuff: Pointy things: He is skilled with swords and daggers. Strategic: Snab tries to plan for everything. He will try to read his opponents and counter accordingly. Sneaky: He knows how to move silently, hide and pick locks. E|33t h4x0r: Snab is good with computers and can hack most things. Bad stuff: Timeout: Snab needs a moment to come up with a plan. If caught off guard by something unexpected, like a sneak attack, he is fully relieant on his reflexes. Under pressure: If he is unable to form a good plan for something or if he is in a conversation Snab will feel very stressed out. Loner: He has trouble working with others and likes to either do something himself or let others do it. Thief: Snab has a bad habit of stealing things and it may get him in trouble. He also has trouble consentrating on important things when something is too valuable or too easy to steal. Backstory: (You seem to like interviews) "I, um, lived in thisss sssmall floran village. You know the type, every villager want'sss to wrestle and ssstab the biggest wildlife around. Only I... wasn't that strong, I guesss you could sssay that I wasss a runt. I couldn't really hunt, so I read about huntersss instead. And that was my gateway to other literature. With my education grew my want to sssee new things and I eventually moved to this big city with mixed racesss citisens. I've done a few jobsss here and there: ssspy jobsss, deliveriesss, sometimesss even bandit killing, assasinationsss and hacking" Skills (scale of 1-10, max 25) Melee weapon: 8 Ranged: 3 Hand to hand: 3 Luck: 4 Vehicle driving skill: 7 (Scale of 1-10, max 20) Durability: 3 Speed:7 Strength: 4 Intelligence: 6
A highly intelligent Florian with a preference of stealth..sounds like a wildcard. I like the wildcards.
I completely forgot about his accent. I haven't roleplayed a floran in a while. Edit: Fixed it. Thanks, I wanted him to be complex (and I like florans).