Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Dragonclaw, May 31, 2016.

  1. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You have 1 extra star in the first section, and I think you can have the ice blade as long as you can't use other people's blood, because that would be a little OP. Otherwise it's great!
    General Nuclear and Arra like this.
  2. Jirky-Kake

    Jirky-Kake Phantasmal Quasar

    Fixed! Also, forgot to add a backstory the first time, so that's fixed, too!
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  3. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    " Ungh. *sniff* why did they *achoo* send me to a frickin flower planet. "
    MilkCalf and Dragonclaw like this.
  4. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

  5. Jirky-Kake

    Jirky-Kake Phantasmal Quasar

    MilkCalf, Arra and Dragonclaw like this.
  6. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    { Tiffany snatches the box, takes out almost all the Kleenex and systematically blows her nose to no avail with each one }
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  7. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    *takes out a flamethrower*
    We somehow have enough in the budget for this.
    General Nuclear, MilkCalf and Arra like this.
  8. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    Whoa, whoa, slow down. *Rides in one of these:
    There, much better.
  9. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    " Jeegus people. Everyone just needs to calm down. Don't make me get Jehuty. "
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  10. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    Sorry. Just checking to see if there's a black market for Kleenex.
    General Nuclear, MilkCalf and Arra like this.
  11. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    If you all can give me some time I can try to make one, I'm very slow in these things and it may be rather similar to my make from Ruined but that's ok... right ?
    Dragonclaw and Arra like this.
  12. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    I love how the bio is like a business interview, I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna borrow that for mine.
    Dragonclaw and Arra like this.
  13. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    Name: "Rampart"
    Appearance: 5'9, 220 Pounds, Broad shouldered, Very muscularly Built, Heavily armored, (similar to riot gear, moderately bright blue with black underlying work) short dark brown hair, Riot helmet with adjustable face guard,
    Wears glasses, carries USCM Experimental Riot shield(shield has small one-way mirror like viewport) , Light Submachine gun, 2 30 round magazines, small handgun 5 12 round magazines, field medical kit, military combat knife

    Good things:
    Brutally Powerful-Lugging a massive shield has added to his strength
    Guardian-Focuses on protection of allies or injured
    Effective Soldier-The USCM has made him proficient in weaponry, but mainly sidearms and small weapons
    Brick House: He will take a beating and keep ticking
    Tactician: He can set up a great defensive layout.
    Melee Efficient: His lack of firepower has lead him to become skilled in close quarters combat, especially in enclosed areas.
    Kind Hearted-Gets along with allies well

    Bad Things:
    Defensive Soldier: He isn't a front lines officer, so he isn't comparable to a standard soldier in an assault.
    Haunted: His main job is to reduce casualties, and since that is impossible he has bad trouble with deaths
    Technologically dull: He barely knows how to log on to a computer.
    Team Minded: Only has experience working in a team, so solo work is rough
    Near-sighted: Basically blind without his glasses.
    Savior: Will stop to help those in dire need.
    Carpooler: Many tours with convoys, so he is skilled behind the wheel.
    NOISY!!!: Massive shield+ Bulky armor and equipment=Lots of noise

    Backstory: "They say the crew just vanished, that can't be possible! The squads are missing me at home,
    but I'm gonna find those people! Nobody
    deserves to be forgotten, and I am here to make sure it doesn't happen,
    this huge piece of metal (shield) has saved an easy hundred lives and I am gonna make sure there are hundreds more!
    Any good soul deserves that..."

    Melee: 3
    Ranged: 8
    Hand-to-hand: 6
    Luck: 3
    Vehicle Driving: 5

    Durability: 7
    Speed: 3
    Strength: 8
    Intelligence: 2

    If there is something I should change or will not work, please let me know.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    Arra and Dragonclaw like this.
  14. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    General Nuclear likes this.
  15. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    Great application! You're in!
    General Nuclear and HunterC1998 like this.
  16. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    I really like the bio as an interview, that is a really cool piece, you even get a preview of the characters thoughts and mind set.
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  17. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    Any idea when we hit go time or should we try and see if anyone else might be interested?
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  18. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Come on people, I don't haul this huge hunk of metal to guard me from pollen!
    MilkCalf and Dragonclaw like this.
  19. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    This might be the first time that I might have some common continuity with a couple of my characters; cross RPs of course.

    Name: Simo Aalto
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Race: Avali

    Appearance: Standing at 3’11”, Simo is fairly tall for an avali, which is normal for many of his clan, as is his white plumage. He wears a lightweight ’skirmisher’ style exoskeleton, that has various red markings on it, as well as a white cloak with a red trim. Also ever-present is his gauss rifle, slightly longer then the typical avali carbine; it oddly has an ordinary metallic blade fixed near the muzzle.

    Personality: Simo is a fairly chatty individual, and when he’s not talking he’s listening to music; perhaps he’s simply uncomfortable with silence.

    Good stuff:
    -Crack Shot: Give him a rifle, ammo and point him at the bad guys.
    -Pack Tactics: He operates best in a unit, working to support his squadmates.
    -Too Wired to Die: He seems to have an excessive reserve of adrenaline, allowing him surprising bursts of exertion. He does suffer a crash afterwards, which can take a moment to recover from.

    Bad stuff:
    -Layman: Science is not his strong suit; and will quickly be lost by all the technobabble.
    -Autophobia: He fears being isolated and alone.
    -Too Under Fire to Think: During stressful situations, he has a tendency to suffer from tunnel-vision, especially when he focuses on a target. Too many times he was blind-sided by something he didn’t see coming.

    A member of the Avali clan Aalto, Simo served onboard one of the clan’s many ships, serving as a trooper for boarding actions, with both offence and defence in mind. However, the Aalto clan was involved in quite the risky business, some might have even called them pirates; before long, their fleet was devastated in combat action, the clan scattered. Some of the survivors tried to reassemble the clan, but most where unable to rejoin their clanmates.
    So, where does that leave Simo? Well, he was one of the lost children of clan Aalto, forced to find a new life; and a new family, finding he fits well with the military.

    Skills (scale of 1-10, max 25)
    Melee weapon: 5 (Fixed bayonet; the classics never grow old.)
    Ranged: 9 (Favouring a gauss rifle)
    Hand to hand: 3
    Luck: 5
    Vehicle driving skill: 3

    (Scale of 1-10, max 20)
    Durability: 4
    Speed: 7
    Strength: 4
    Intelligence: 5
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    Dragonclaw, Arra and HunterC1998 like this.
  20. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    I might wait a few more days before we start. See how many people are interested.
    General Nuclear, Arra and HunterC1998 like this.

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