1. This forum is for website and forum feedback ONLY. Please post Starbound bugs in the Support section. Any game-specific threads in this forum will be deleted.

Bug/Issue Using White Font on the forum

Discussion in 'Website Feedback/Issues' started by Geth270, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Geth270

    Geth270 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have noticed this twice now but some people use white font to highlight things, which is fine but only for the users that use the OLD forum theme, on top of that the new site design is the DEFAULT for any newcomers.

    2.PNG White Font is invisible on the default theme
    3.PNG and needs to be highlighted, otherwise it looks just like an odd gap.

    These screenshots are taken from the sticky thread from the SB support section -http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/known-common-issues-for-starbound-1-0-update-2.118321/

    The other thread where this was the case (but the author edited it) - http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/a-small-error-in-a-dialog-file.121470/
  2. I've fixed the text in the sticky, but this isn't really a forum issue.

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