Tutorial Using Tiled (NEW)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by SpazDiesFirst360.0, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. DeadSomething

    DeadSomething Subatomic Cosmonaut

    did so, but tiled cannot select those files as tilesets, as there are only .png files
  2. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    The tutorial says that you need to copy the tilesets folder from the unpacked assets, and put that in the newly created folder named packed in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/assets.
  3. DeadSomething

    DeadSomething Subatomic Cosmonaut

    unpacking the assets now - yes, that step was missing in the tutorial and isnt described here on this forum at all.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  4. ColonolNutty

    ColonolNutty Ketchup Robot

    What I want to know is, what the heck are tilesets and what are their significance? I've been googling for hours now, trying to figure out what a tileset is in relation to starbound and I've come up with nothing. I've noticed Frackin' Universe has them so I'm thinking I should have them for my materials, but I don't even understand what they are or what they are for. I've seen a million tutorials on this Tiled program, but not what the output of it is even used for. Is it for loading materials faster? Is it for making some kind of dungeon? Is it for making a template of some kind? What's the point of making tilesets and do I require them when introducing new materials? If I do require them, then I beg of you, tell me why!
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  5. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    Tilesets are required in order to use the tiles. If you have no tilesets, Tiled is essentially useless.

    Tilesets can have objects and/or materials, as well as liquids.
  6. ColonolNutty

    ColonolNutty Ketchup Robot

    That didn't answer what they are for. What do you mean by "the tiles"?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2017
  7. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    A tile is a value stored in a tileset. For example, every tile in the materials tileset has a "material" value that refers to the id of a specific material in the game, while objects have an "object" value that refers to a specific object in the game. A great way to see what I am talking about is to take a code editor and open up some of the tilesets in the unpacked assets folder (/tilesets/packed).
  8. ColonolNutty

    ColonolNutty Ketchup Robot

    But what is a TILESET used for? I know what it contains, I know how to make one. How does starbound utilize a Tileset? Do you need it to make dungeons? What is it for in starbound? What is it referenced by? Is it required in order to make a specific asset? If I make one, what is it's purpose? I know it contains tiles, I know it's required for tiles, but WHY is it required? You're giving me the same answers I found using google. :(
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2017
  9. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    I wasn't getting the question.

    Starbound uses tilesets for dungeons. Because the tilesets contain the objects and tiles, the tilesets must be imported in order to build maps. Importing a tileset is easy: simply click on "add" (something like that, I can't check right now) and then click on "import tileset". A browse window will appear, and you can then select which tileset to import. Importing a tileset will add a snippet near the bottom of the json file so that it can find it when it needs to refer to it. This is why I said in the tutorial to save the json exactly where you want it to be. The only reason someone would make their own tileset is if they are making dungeons using custom tiles or objects.

    Hopefully I have answered most if not all of your questions.
    ColonolNutty likes this.
  10. ColonolNutty

    ColonolNutty Ketchup Robot

    "Importing a tileset is easy: simply click on "add" (something like that, I can't check right now) and then click on "import tileset". A browse window will appear, and you can then select which tileset to import. Importing a tileset will add a snippet near the bottom of the json file so that it can find it when it needs to refer to it. This is why I said in the tutorial to save the json exactly where you want it to be."
    This is superfluous tutorial I didn't ask for. It also seems really out of place in this context, imagine being in a conversation with someone and suddenly they start stating an advertisement in a TV announcers voice unrelated to the conversation. Yeah, that's how it made me feel.

    "Starbound uses tilesets for dungeons. Because the tilesets contain the objects and tiles"
    "The only reason someone would make their own tileset is if they are making dungeons using custom tiles or objects."
    Those answer the questions I asked, so they are mainly used for telling starbound how to make dungeons using custom assets? I guess I don't need to worry about tilesets unless I was making dungeons that used non-vanilla assets.

    Thanks for the help, and putting up with my inane questions
  11. DeadSomething

    DeadSomething Subatomic Cosmonaut

    or if you want new building blocks like if you make a new race and they shall have racespecific architecture.
  12. TypicalStarbounder

    TypicalStarbounder Star Wrangler

    I'm sorry but this makes it much more complicated :nurusad:
  13. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
  14. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    How do you make a tileset? I know how to do pixel art but if I remember correctly, and I'm sure I have this part correct... I remember the only way to use a custom tileset is to turn the tiles into a json file, how does one do this? I have no idea where to begin and I found a sad lack of YouTube tutorials covering this subject. Or tiled for starbound in general, could find almost anything at all.
  15. ColonolNutty

    ColonolNutty Ketchup Robot

    I don't have the faintest clue.
  16. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    A few questions...
    • What version of Tiled are you using? 1.2 or newer doesn't work with SB.
    • Are you creating tilesets through Tiled?
    There's a button that says "New Tileset," I suggest you play around with that.
  17. ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ

    ExToRtIoN_NuKeZ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Does this work with Tiled v1.1?
  18. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry for such a late response, but I have no idea. In regards to the tutorial and using Tiled, I think it should still work (because I tried 1.2 and it has almost exactly the same ease of use as 1.0.2, and I was able to apply most, if not all, the methods described in my tutorial). However, this does not mean that assets created using 1.1 or newer (especially in the case of 1.2+) work with Starbound.
    In summary, the tutorial probably works with Tiled 1.1, but Tiled 1.1 might not work with Starbound.

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