Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.4

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Jul 2, 2019.

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  1. Moragaine

    Moragaine Existential Complex

    A full log from would be more helpful. Also, that mod hasn't been updated for 1.4.
    • Dani141990

      Dani141990 Void-Bound Voyager

      Is custom critters getting a new update? mine just expired yesterday.
      • MouseyPounds

        MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

        Unofficial update 3.0.0-unofficial.7-mouseypounds for Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV). Significant changes:
        • Changed some directory access and all harmony patches for Mac/Linux compatbility
        • Fixed double-production bug and autograbbers ignoring BFAV products
        • Widened the animal purchasing menu to 5 per line instead of 3
        Note: This version number is lower than Platonymous/Routine's previous unofficial update in order to come back in line with community standards for versioning. Source is included in the archive; you only need to install the "Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety" folder into mods to use it.

          Attached Files:

        • Vinnamah

          Vinnamah Tentacle Wrangler

          Seitou likes this.
        • catstar8

          catstar8 Void-Bound Voyager

          TheUnknownMutant and Minakie like this.
        • Wingyl

          Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Vinnamah, most people use Adopt & Skin for having lots of cats and dogs these days.
          • sashuka

            sashuka Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Thank you!
            Will you be so kind to explain how to add more variations of cows or rabbits into new version of BFAV?
            • vickimed

              vickimed Void-Bound Voyager

              I am getting a big error when trying to build the winery with the updated Sauvignon in Stardew mod. The footprint lands, but no supplies leave my inventory, and the smapi console looks like this:
              Am I really the only person who cannot use it at this point? I have no idea what I've done wrong. I'm using version 1.9.1 from earlier in this thread.
              • MouseyPounds

                MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                The basic content pack format is covered in Paritee's repo: To add a new variation to an existing category, you'd use the "Update" action. For an example of this, check out Trent's New Animals; Trent adds a "Black Sheep" to the normal sheep category (as well as adding several new animal types)
                • Antisthenes

                  Antisthenes Big Damn Hero

                  Can anyone direct me to literally anything to remove nurseries? I simply can't find anything that isn't long defunct.
                  • vickimed

                    vickimed Void-Bound Voyager

                    Cherry's Farmhouse does not include the nursery, and it is lovely.
                    I will never marry, so it works for me. I'm not sure if a nursery appears after marriage, so this may not be a solution for you.
                    Edit: ChildBedConfig was just updated on Nexus. It worked for me before I switched to Cherry's Farmhouse.
                      Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
                    • 3289734758

                      3289734758 Orbital Explorer

                      Pytk Not available,There are also a lot of red ink errors that cause the game to crash at the end of the day。
                      • Wingyl

                        Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Check the mod compatibilty page ( for a link to the unofficial update of PyTK, and also please provide a parsed log via
                        • Benigni

                          Benigni Aquatic Astronaut

                          Has the recent official update of Automate broken Casks Everywhere?
                          • minervamaga

                            minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                            That mod is not open source, and thus can only be updated by the author.

                            I also have a modded farmhouse that gives you the option to choose how many beds you want in the kids' room!
                              Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019
                            • metalax

                              metalax Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              ChildBedConfig updated a day ago and seems to be fully functional.
                              • Neckwhiskers

                                Neckwhiskers Void-Bound Voyager

                                Not sure but you don't need really need another mod for that since automate has that function.
                                • Benigni

                                  Benigni Aquatic Astronaut

                                  Interesting - thx for responding - upon further testing, what I'm finding is that when I place a cask outside the cellar and try to feed it *by hand* it tells me that can only be done in the cellar.
                                  When I let Automate feed the cask from a chest, it works outside the cellar.

                                  The upshot is that my game proceeds apace and I am a happy casker.

                                  I just wish the PPJA machines automated and were less glitchy. Heh.

                                  • Minakie

                                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                    This update is no longer working for me, the ATM will not show up in the map anymore.
                                    Could it have something to do with the fact that SVE just got an update?
                                      startdu likes this.
                                    • marikotiko

                                      marikotiko Big Damn Hero

                                      Is there any way to update the AutoGrabberMod (author: Jotser) so that it's compatible with 1.4? I prefer that mod over DeluxeAutoGrabber since it's more flexible. I know the mod itself has been removed from Nexus, but I still have the mod files on my PC (can't upload them here though)

                                      If someone is able to help me (and if it's "ok to update a deleted mod" for personal use) I would be very grateful <3
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