Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.3 [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Apr 15, 2018.

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  1. Pathoschild

    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

    @Anxo That's due to an Android-specific change in the game. I suggest reporting it to the author of the SMAPI fork you're using so they can add a compatibility rewrite.
      Anxo likes this.
    • SuperMich

      SuperMich Void-Bound Voyager

      Oh sorry about that i figured it was out of date, and its mentioned twice in the bugs report tab, i didnt want to add to it. What should I do?
      • HollowStyx

        HollowStyx Void-Bound Voyager

        Hello! Thanks so much for updating these mods, I'm eager to try skill prestige and was delighted to see it updated here!
        One problem I'm having is with the cookings skill. It's working on it's own and prestige is working for the vanilla skills, but skill prestige won't work for the cooking skill??
        The cooking skill's icon also displays too large, which seems unrelated but I figured I should mention everything odd.
        • Pathoschild

          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          @HollowStyx The icon is part of Cooking Skill itself, so I suggest reporting that to the author. What isn't working for the cooking skill prestige? Can you post a screenshot of your skills menu?
          • Pathoschild

            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

            Here's Horse Whistle by icepuente updated for SMAPI 3.0. (I sent a pull request to the author.)

            Changes since 1.2.2:
            • Updated for SMAPI 3.0.
            • Improved multiplayer support. (It still won't work if there's no horse in a synced location though.)
            • Fixed issue where a player riding a horse can summon a second one.
            • Fixed compatibility with recent versions of Tractor Mod.
            • Internal refactoring.

              Attached Files:

            • HollowStyx

              HollowStyx Void-Bound Voyager

              Here's my screenshot of the menu - SMAPI says the cooking prestige mod is working, but I have no button with which to access it.

              • Chihuachi

                Chihuachi Void-Bound Voyager

                Do you have the bfav compatible version by any chance? The regular one doesn't let you chose anything when purchasing animals with bfav it seems. Thank you!
                • Pathoschild

                  Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                  @HollowStyx Found the issue; I'll post a new build soon to fix that.

                  @Chihuachi Unfortunately not. I just updated the code, refactoring it to support BFAV is a separate task. I suggest asking Paritee about getting a download for their rewrite, if it's still compatible.
                  • Pathoschild

                    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                    Here's Skill Prestige updated for Stardew Valley 1.3.36 and SMAPI 3.0. (I submitted a pull request to the author.)

                    Changes since 1.2.4-unofficial.6 (unofficial.7 is for Stardew Valley 1.4):
                    • Fixed Cooking Skill adapter incorrectly checking for Luck Skill.
                    • Standardised config.json format.
                    • Internal refactoring.
                    • HollowStyx

                      HollowStyx Void-Bound Voyager

                      @Pathoschild looks like it's working perfectly now, thank you so much!
                      • MadMaudlin2015

                        MadMaudlin2015 Void-Bound Voyager

                        Would it be possible to make it compatible with Artisan Valley?
                        • Pathoschild

                          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                          @MadMaudlin2015 It should be compatible already, the custom recipes should just appear under 'misc'. You can edit the categories.json file to categorise mod recipes too.
                          • minervamaga

                            minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Better Crafting previously couldn't display the names of CFR machines, was that fixed?
                            • Pathoschild

                              Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                              @minervamaga I only updated the code, so most bugs in the original code still apply. I'll look into that when I update the mod for Stardew Valley 1.4 though, it should be an easy fix.
                                vadie and minervamaga like this.
                              • minervamaga

                                minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                                This thread is for updating mods. That said, the Grampleton Fields pack for SVE is known to cause slowdown for some players, as stated on the mod page.
                                • Marcysenpai

                                  Marcysenpai Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Ohh, sorry I wasn't actually paying attention to what forum I was posting, anyway thanks for your reply! :D
                                  • Inalleon

                                    Inalleon Phantasmal Quasar

                                    This mod seems to make my sprinklers cost 9x more materials. Once i delete it they go back to normal (1 copper 1 iron). Any idea why?
                                    • minervamaga

                                      minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      If you increase the range of the sprinklers, the cost goes up accordingly.
                                      • xerxia

                                        xerxia Void-Bound Voyager

                                      • Pathoschild

                                        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                        @xerxia The error is due to invalid schedule data from one of your custom NPC packs. Unfortunately you can't remove a custom NPC pack without manually editing it out of your save. You can try the SMAPI 3.0 alpha which automatically prevents that error from crashing your game; if you come ask in #modding on the Stardew Valley Discord, we'll give you a preview SMAPI 3.0 build to try.
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