Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.3 [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Apr 15, 2018.

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  1. Zanderphis

    Zanderphis Orbital Explorer

    Is there anyway you can add compatability for mobile? Ive installed it and it seems like everything would function properly but theres no button to press to prestige. I think the simpilest fix would be a key press that opens the prestige menu when no menus are open that way the virtual key press mod would work with it.
    • Pathoschild

      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

    • Zanderphis

      Zanderphis Orbital Explorer

      The only error should be virtual keyboard failing to load because i was messing with the config trying to get it to register as hardware buttons but im no programer so it was a monkey with a typewriter situation lmao.

      Just realised it might be because of the skill uncaper causing issues to since it was compatiable with the old version but doesnt necessarily means its compatiable with yours.

      Edit: just tested it on a clean character with only CJBcheatmenu, prestige, and VK on. Still no button also when you reach level five your unable to tap on a profesion to chose efectivly soft locking you unless you tap the virtual keyboards menu which closes it out without choosing a profesion.

        Attached Files:

        Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
      • Pathoschild

        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

        @Zanderphis Can you edit SMAPI's smapi-internal/StardewModdingAPI.config.json file to enable VerboseLogging, try it again, and post a new log?
        • Zanderphis

          Zanderphis Orbital Explorer

          @Pathoschild i only raised my farming to 5 for the profesion choice.

          Edit: lmfao just looked at the raw log sorry for the million left clicks im a bit tap happy i guess lmao
            Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
          • Pathoschild

            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          • Anxo

            Anxo Intergalactic Tourist

            Hello, I'm using Stardew Valley Mobile 1.31
            Is it possible this Kisekae mod will work on it? I don't know how it works when I put this to mod folder. I also have Content Patcher using.
            • Cammerel

              Cammerel Void-Bound Voyager

              Getting an error for the Prismatic tools unofficial update: This attachment cannot be shown at this time. Please try back later.
              • lusakmaster

                lusakmaster Space Hobo

                So I added in this mod, and I decided I didn't like the whole distilled craft thing. After I removed the mod, I noticed that wine was now not restored to be an Artisan Good even. Any idea how to restore this?
                • Pathoschild

                  Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                  @Anxo It should work in theory; do you get an error when you try it? Does the menu appear in-game if you press C?

                  @Cammerel Can you try it again, upload your SMAPI log (see instructions on that page), and post a link here?

                  @lusakmaster Existing items may remain the same, but any new alcohol items should be back to normal.
                  • farazka

                    farazka Poptop Tamer

                    anyone can help?
                    Iam getting an error "[PyTK] This mod failed in the Player.Warped event"
                    where some of the wives either don't move or stuck outside the wall inside the house, iam using polygamy mod and this is a day after marriage

                    • lusakmaster

                      lusakmaster Space Hobo

                      I attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing after removing the mod. Cheese and other items still have "Artisan Goods" listed under them, but wine no longer has anything. When I go to sell it, it always sells as other and I no longer receive my +40% on it.

                        Attached Files:

                      • Theoran

                        Theoran Void-Bound Voyager

                        I cannot seems to download either of these files. Anyone else able to?
                        • Pathoschild

                          Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                          @farazka I'm not sure whether the error is related. I suggest reporting it to both the PyTK and Polygamy authors to be sure.

                          @lusakmaster Yes, any wines that have already been created (including from kegs that were already started) will still have the mod changes. Any wines created after you remove the mod should be back to normal.

                          @Theoran That seems like an issue with the forums, possibly related to the recent server changes. I sent a message to Chucklefish to ask about it.
                          • Pathoschild

                            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                            @Theoran That's fixed now, so you should be able to download them.
                            • Theoran

                              Theoran Void-Bound Voyager

                              I can now. Thank you for making this game even more awesome!
                              • Pathoschild

                                Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                These files are outdated; see for the latest updates.

                                Here's Skill Prestige updated for Stardew Valley 1.3.36 and SMAPI 3.0. (I submitted a pull request to the author.)

                                Changes since 1.2.4-unofficial.5:

                                • Prepared for the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.4.
                                • Fixed compatibility with SMAPI 3.0.
                                • Fixed prestige icons drawn off-screen on Android.
                                  Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
                                • Anxo

                                  Anxo Intergalactic Tourist

                                  I got error it said that this mod is no longer compatible

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • SuperMich

                                    SuperMich Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I'm having an issue with the TMX loader Jungle Temple/city bus cut content mod, It seems that there is an issue causing it so that if you enter the secret woods you can not leave(neither can you enter any areas in the secret woods if you have mods like deepwoods or secret beach) nothing shows up in the log either indicating that something is wrong. Any clue whats going on?
                                    Here's the mod on nexus:
                                    • minervamaga

                                      minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      Hi, please report this on the TMX Loader page, this page is for updating SMAPI mods to work with 1.3!
                                        SuperMich likes this.
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