Vienix's More Emo Sebastian [LINK] Sebastian is a Ginger [LINK] 'Teens' to Mid to Late 20's [LINK] Sebastian - New Hair and Moto Jacket [LINK] So I saw a couple post asking for certain Sebastian mods to update the sprite sheets. Since I haven't seen any around I kinda made some. These aren't official or approved so if any of the original artist don't want this up, I'll take them off. If you have a request a Sebastian you want updated or see any problems, please tell. Finished CPs: More Emo Late 20s Moto Jacket Ginger + sprites for all original portraits
I downloaded the Moto Jacket one, and I got this error in SMAPI: [Content Patcher] Ignored updated CP Sebastian - New Hair and Moto Jacket sprites > EditImage LooseSprites/Cursors: the When field is invalid: 'Cursor (Event) Sprites' isn't a valid condition; must be one of Day, DayEvent, DayOfWeek, DaysPlayed, FarmCave, FarmhouseUpgrade, FarmName, FarmType, HasDialogueAnswer, HasFile, HasFlag, HasMod, HasProfession, HasReadLetter, HasSeenEvent, HasValue, HasWalletItem, HavingChild, Hearts, IsCommunityCenterComplete, IsJojaMartComplete, IsMainPlayer, IsOutdoors, Language, LocationName, Lowercase, PlayerGender, PlayerName, PreferredPet, Pregnant, Query, Random, Range, Relationship, Season, SkillLevel, spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/BigCraftableSpriteY, spacechase0.JsonAssets/ClothingId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/CropSpriteY, spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/FruitTreeSpriteY, spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/HatSpriteY, spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/ObjectSpriteY, spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponId, spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponSpriteTilesheet, spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponSpriteX, spacechase0.JsonAssets/WeaponSpriteY, Spouse, Target, TargetWithoutPath, Uppercase, Weather, Year. Edit: it seems to work fine, despite the warning message.
hey there i cant seem to get the sebasitan emo mod to work, it gives me the same kinda error as above but unlike them it doesnt work at all for me, having trouble trying to figure out how to fix the issue
Hiii there... I was wondering if there was ANY chance at all of you updating the moto Seb for 1.5? I was ecstatic when you put in all of this work and effort the first time, and I'm tempted to just keep invisible Seb, but if you would even just consider it, I would hugely appreciate it. 33
Howdy, I can't seem to configure the settings of the ginger sebastian mod since theres no config.json, is there another way to? I'm on mobile 1.4 btw thanks.