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Modded [UPDATE](2/9/17 9:10pm) Starbound: Avali (Triage) Mech Edition! (Internet Instability OFFLINE)

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by animeoutlaw87, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker

    Hey Zack! Which race were you creating when you got this error?
  2. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker


    Server currently offline due to internet outage.
  3. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker

    ***Update 2/4/17 11:28am***

    Server is up and running again.

    When trying to create the Kemono Race, it will not allow you to load into the game and gives an error message. I'm going in and removing this mod to prevent any confusion. Please be sure to unsubscribe from "Kemono Race Mod Ver. 1.5" Race Mod on the Steam Workshop to prevent any further issues.

    Thank You
  4. SurvivorZack

    SurvivorZack Orbital Explorer

    I was using the Kemono race but I see it was causing the problem so I unsubscribed from it and will try a different race.
    Edit: Now when I try to join it says: Join failed! Timeout while establishing connection

    Attached Files:

  5. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker

    Hey Zack. Not sure what would be causing that. It seems to be letting me log in fine. Let me try and restart the server for you and see if that helps. The timeout error sounds like a client side issue however. Maybe try closing steam, and reopening steam and the game. See if maybe there was some kind of an update. Maybe try restarting your internet modem/router and see if that helps?
  6. SurvivorZack

    SurvivorZack Orbital Explorer

    The server restart seems to have fixed it and I am finally in. Thanks
  7. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker

    @SurvivorZack : Awesome! Have fun in there :). Wish I could come play, but I have to get ready for work soon Lol. I will be in game though just idling however :)
  8. SurvivorZack

    SurvivorZack Orbital Explorer

    Well, I got timed out again and now I can not join back
    Edit: Ok after waiting a while I can join again
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  9. SurvivorZack

    SurvivorZack Orbital Explorer

    Game crashes when I try using a weapon from the Classical Weaponry mod
  10. SurvivorZack

    SurvivorZack Orbital Explorer

    Since Frackin' Universe is not on here the game will sometimes crash when using a wand and dagger as avian because Cosmic damage does not exist
    Edit: I discovered that it will either crash the game or make the monster you hit invincible

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  11. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker

    @SurvivorZack Thank you for all of this feedback, Zack. I think it might be an issue due to the fact that there was a recent update with Frackin' Races; which is causing the old version of the mod I have installed in the mods version on the server side, to react this way. I will update the mod in the folder, and restart the server, as well as resubscribe to the mod. I suggest everyone does the same to see if this fixes it. If not, I'll have to look for alternative solutions to fix this. As for the Classical Weapons Mod, It may be conflicting with some other weapon mods, or might not be updated to function properly with the newest version of Starbound. So I may have to remove it all together.

    Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming so I can keep improving the functionality of the server :). I'll try and update everything tonight after work.
  12. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker


    Server is back online.
  13. animeoutlaw87

    animeoutlaw87 Space Spelunker


    (2/6/17) [5: 01am] The "Classical Weaponry Mod" has been removed from the server due to a conflict which caused the game to crash when using any of the weapons from the mod. Please be sure to unsubscribe from this mod to prevent any issues when trying to log into the server.

    I will also be looking into possibly adding the Frakin' Universe Mod to the server after doing some research to see if it has any conflicts the current mods on the server. Seeing as how there seems to be a conflict with Avians racial ability that is added from having the Frakin' Races Mod on our server without having Frakin' Universe also installed.

    As always all feedback and suggestions are welcome.

    Thank You
  14. Hiroku

    Hiroku Void-Bound Voyager

    any update on the frackin universe mod? im hping to play when that is on
  15. Cen Silver

    Cen Silver Phantasmal Quasar

    Can't connect to server... yay...
  16. AMZmonEfrenx

    AMZmonEfrenx Void-Bound Voyager

    does this server still works?
  17. The_Black_Dragon

    The_Black_Dragon Void-Bound Voyager

    What is the collection name?
  18. The_Black_Dragon

    The_Black_Dragon Void-Bound Voyager

    Btw if you have the elithian race mod installed you can still go to the starfarers refuge (it is basically their outpost) the teleporters that you find in avikan villlages or underground cities work like the mission teleporters that will either take you to the 2 stop teleshop or the ark it will work regardless of what race you are. But you will not be able to do most of the quests there (e.g. Restoring the past for avikan and I think it is called I am legion or something like that for the Droden not sure about the other quests though I think you can still do most vanguard quest but not to sure.
  19. zerggodmaster

    zerggodmaster Space Spelunker

  20. ZeroTheNebulaMage

    ZeroTheNebulaMage Big Damn Hero

    Is this server online?

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