[Update 11 December 2016] Added Sam profile Alternate Sam Just the profile for now, I'll try to edit/add the sprite soon! Profile: [Download Here] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bearded Alternate Elliott My first randomly picked victim was Elliott, this is by no means made to upset anyone in any way, again just my first try at pixel art.. and I love me some beards so.. Profile: [Download Here] Sprite: [Download Here] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate Shane The sprite isn't too different compared to the original but added the earrings, little beard and changed the color of his shirt ever so slightly. No goatee version of shane also available below. With Goatee: Profile: [Download Here] Sprite: [Download Here] JoJa-Sprite: [Download Here] No Goatee: Profile: [Download Here] Sprite: [Download Here] JoJa-Sprite: [Download Here] Installing: Go to your Stardew Valley Folder, usually located: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Stardew Valley\ C:\GOG Games\Stardew Valley\ Go to the 'Content' folder: For the Profile go to '\Content\Portraits' place the .xnb file folder and overwrite For the Sprite go to '\Content\Characters' place the .xnb file folder and overwrite Make sure to backup your files before you change anything! Please let me know if I have and I'll try to change it ASAP. Thank you~
First of all thank you And aye noted, I'm still very new to this whole forum dealio so thank you for the heads up!
This is one of the best Shane mods I've seen so far! I hope there are more victims. Your portraits are dope
FINALLY! you are my hero. ever since shane became a marriage candidate ive been trying to find a good portrait mod of him that also includes his new sprites. though I dont suppose you could release a version without the goatee, could you? Or actually I guess i could just edit it myself...anyway, awesome work, thanks! installing now.
This is a wonderful redesign of Shane!!! Really great, kudos to you! Though, if you would be so kind, could you edit the Shane_JojaMart file on the sprite (character) folder, so it can match with the one you've already done? Thank you!
First of all thank you for this mod! Second, can someone please upload Shanes xnb from the dialogue folder? I had a complete brain fart and accidentally replaced that instead of his xnb in the portraits folder. Of course I didn't back it up either. ><
http://www.mediafire.com/file/j7dugyd2hqphbxu/Shane.xnb In case you still needed it, I'm glad you like my work!
Holy heck, I never thought anyone could make Elliot look sexy! Or that I'd like a bearded man! And Shane looks so cute with that goatee Keep it up, I'm loving the artwork!