Ok. new information. The loader's 4th ability is the biggest AoE in the game. It isn't worthless when you consider the overall damage you can do with it. It isn't a straight line. it is a bounding box. If you put one pole in the bottom right of an area, and the other in the top left of the area, it makes an invisible rectangle with those as the opposing corners. It eletrocutes EVERYTHING inside that area. Using it in a straight line IS useless.
Also, despite what I said earlier and what the game says, it looks like his invul skill is always 3 seconds of invul. I got hit by a blighted golem on monsoon and the 3 seconds of invul didn't go away, even though that would have 1-shot killed me without it.
The grappling hook is amazingly useful for the guerrila-like style i've taken to fighting with him. After playing him for another 10 matches and keeping an open mind, I'm quickly finding that he is my favorite character. I feel like he is definitely going to be misunderstood, and I hope to one day get good enough to write a guide about him. The most important thing to take away is the concept of the bounding-box of his ult. Makes it worth it. So, very worth it. I am going to be testing in my next few runs if his ult also procs a lot of the stuff like missiles and crits. if it does, Loader may be stronger than chef. Stronger than them all! He could beat up a Nokia phone.
As for the "no stun whatsoever" I feel like you guys might be doing something different than me... I am consistently doing knock up/back on the third hit. So much so that the third hit stops golems from clapping. If you pop the 3 second invul and do 2 combos (without atk speed. More than 2 with), you get plenty of dmg in. Considering it lasts 3 seconds and has a 5 second cool down, you are only vulnerable for 2 seconds. You gotta stay on your feet.
Also it helps to think of the bounding box of lightning as your boxing ring, and you're a boxer. As soon as your put down your "right" it does one big burst of dmg (looks around 200%), thats when you gotta turn around, grapple in, and beat em up!
Grappling hook also doesn't obey gravity. The reason people get caught up is because it pulls you STRAIGHT at the y level you were at. So if you weren't high enough to reach the top of a ledge, it won't pull you upwards at all. This only applies to inanimate objects. Hit the head of a magma worm JUST as he comes out, and you are going for a ride!!!
Last edited: Oct 23, 2014