"Hundreds?! You guys are crazy! I've probably killed no more than twelve people! Hell, even my psycho little brother killed at most, like, fifty! What are you guys? Seriously. Homocidal maniacs? Rampaging lab experiments? Mercenaries? Seriously! I have to know so I can get into he business!"
"Ssome of usss were forced into that gladiatorial arena at a young age. Rampaging lab experiment isn't too far though." Opia says this to Taipei with a deadpan look.
"So is this the part where we all share our dark and secretive pasts with complete strangers?" Mike scratches his chin thoughtfully.
Opia glances over at Flytrap and explains, "Human scientists took me as an experiment, put me through 'pruning and trimming'." She shrugs lazily.
"Ooh! I heard about shit like that! but I'd never thought I'd actually meet a survivor! what was it like? how hard was it to get used to? How young were you?"
"They knew just enough to keep me alive, obviously." Opia turns to Taipei and hisses, "It wass painful, and ssstill isss. I was eight cyclesss old, but I'm not used to it. I use my dagger too much."
"Good gods above, why are you all still bickering, like...like children? Must you all be so...annoying? Can we not get atleast ah, ten minutes of peace and, uh, quiet?" Claude turned around and spoke up this time, hoping to get some people to shut up, or atleast realize how silly their grievances are.
"Right. We should be focusing on... not dying. If we're blindly rushing into unknown territory, we should at least do so with weapons at the ready. Does... this ship even have any weapons?"
Nalumi turns her attention back to Dwight. "Tell me about this amazing merchandise available for purchase."
"I was busy, with um... Stuff. Yeah, I didn't see you." "Well... Ms. Nalumi... I'm pretty sure it was only available on Goslao!"