The penguin from earlier steps into view behind the riot guard. "You know, you've earned quite the name for yourself Fons. I like you, and I think you would make a great friend. Now, what do I want? I would like you as an ally. What does that mean for you? To prove your worth, I will be plonking you down smack dab in the middle of a city of anarchy. The only way out are the four gates on the north, south, east, and west sides of the city. Escape alive, and you will not only live to tell such an amazing untold adventure, but I will also give you private access to our top engineers, letting you soup up your precious ship as much as you want! Die, and I'll scrap it! Consider this my rights of passage recruitment. Now, we should be rounding up the last of our recruits. Once that's finished, we will set off to the recently converted city of veridian, the market city! Ooh isn't this exciting?" she claps her hands with glee.
She rolls her eyes in forgetfulness and facepalms. "Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Bloodbeak. I'm the daughter of Dreadwing, the recently-deceaced. Unlike him, I'm clever as well as fair. As I said, escaping veridian alive just grants you to my private engineers. I did not say you had to work for me. But if you would rather me just scrap you ship now with you in it, then fine by me. Though my scouts have been following you and detailing your adventures from a third person perspective and I must say, for a cripple you are too much of a loss for the universe to miss. But oh well! Life's life! And it's limited... Take aim everyone! I want to repaint his ship hatch red!" every penguin readies their weapon and three dots train on Fons' head. One of them accidentally shines in his eye... Some penguin cries out "Sorry about this! You had some really awesome adventures dude! Have fun in the next life man!"
"Of course not silly! Why? Are you willing? We've got some time before we head out If you want to chat?"
"It seems that the alternative is rather painful and... lethal. Getting killed by 3-foot tall birds is not a good way to go. So yes, I guess you could say I am willing."
She claps her wings. "Wonderful! Oh! Are you hungry? I want your to tell me all about your adventures! It's so awesome to meet you in person! Come on! I'll give you the tour on the way to the cantina!" she gestures for Fons to follow. Waddling slow enough for him to follow without too much strain. Which isn't that much slower as she is a penguin in a pirate suit.[DOUBLEPOST=1447644247][/DOUBLEPOST]A loud sound can be heard as the doors of varmint and co's ship suddenly rumbles to life and begins piloting itself upwards through the atmosphere. @Capn' Kane @Kaiachi
As he follows, everyone seems to not be totally relaxed. Penguins, humans, hylotl, and other such races seem to be meander about doing their jobs. Some look to be rushing around with paperwork, others seem to be guards on patrol. Fons occasionally steals a glance and a whisper from the occasional person. One pair seemed to be silently jumping with joy in the same way as kids would in front of their favorite celebrity. as they walk past a large glass window looking into a very large room with a disco all on the ceiling, a multi colored flashing dance floor, a smoke machine, lasers, bunch of people in handcuffs and shackles dancing to a DJ, and loud music; Bloodbeak suddenly stops."That is our main brig. It used to be so dirty and so dull and so very very bleak and depressing. So, after dad died, I cleaned it up and made things a bit more lively! Now, we have three times as many people willing to sign up for recruitment as before. Granted, we can't have people thinking we're soft so... one of the shackled people suddenly lunge for the DJ. Before he can even reach the deck, the music suddenly stops and he is shot with one of the laser lights and turned to ash. As people look at the pile in shock, a penguin then comes in with a broom and a bag and sweeps the ashes into it. He then turns and leaves out of the double lock door and the music starts playing again. Of course, only one guy recovers from the shock enough to start dancing again, but he looks old enough to have been there for a very long time... "Woo! Lasers! Not only are they just awesome, but they also don't leave any of those sticky blood splatters that are just impossible to get out... she makes a gesture to the dis jockey, who then pushes a few levers and buttons, causing the lasers to start firing at peoples feet, making them dance even more wildly. Two more guys get vaporized as the crazy guy dances about like a boss. The lasers stop as the penguin from before sweeps the ashes into a bag again and leaves... "Oh I love being in charge! On with the tour?"
Rairi picks up the scythe that Dusty dropped on the ground. "If you want, I can teach you how to use it... It's about time I finished Harold's training, anyhow." @DustyScabbard @Jareix Cryvix @haynesy566
Dusty rolls over to glare down at Rairi. It's a dagger glare, or as much of one Dusty can muster. Dusty: No, I can use what I have, when I need to use it. Dusty turns his gaze towards the farm house, where Syril and the others disappeared into long ago. Dusty: Syril has been gone for a long time...
Rairi is pretty much unaffected by Dusty's glare. "Suit yourself." He motions for Harold to follow them. "Shall we investigate?"
Meanwhile inside the house, Syril is greeted to the sight of a rather small and disorganized living room with a small dinky holo vision set. He can also smell something delicious that smells similar to... Beakseed casserole... Mergie turns to Syril. "I'll bet that's Gennisse cookin' up supper right about now... Shall we have a peek and maybe get a taste of the best glowcherry pie in all of Bauriss, or ya' just wanna get that radio contact of yours..."
Rairi and Harold enter the house and set their arms down at the front door. "Something smells good... Dinner almost ready?"
"I'd recon so! How about you boys just pop on into the kitchen right over there. Genisse just loves visitors! And don't worry about talking to her. She may be blind and deaf, but she's got the sharpest mind I've ever seen..."she points to a door right around the corner as she leads Syril upstairs.
The floran looks annoyed at this... "Now hang on just a moment! Just because you might not be an illegal immigrant (not that that really matters anymore) doesn't mean we can trust ya! Now why should we let you go talkin' with your friends when we don't even know what your job is!"