[UNSTABLE] Glad Giraffe Patch Notes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. Akre

    Akre Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like higher spawnrates, makes it more challenging.
    eksynn and TechnoVibe like this.
  2. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    To be fair, mechs were virtually worthless by the time you could unlock them fairly, and boats are only useful on 3 biome types and in special scenarios. It would be nice to have a boat system similar to the hoverbikes though... and maybe have it actually fit the sci-fi theme of the game instead of that weird wind waker boat. :badpokerface:
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I just realized something.

    n1t3n likes this.
  4. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Who needs that when you have the hovertrain mod and a leveled planet such as mine
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    What if you don't have a leveled planet handy, though? What if you want to drive a bunch of peeps to and from an asteroid base?
    n1t3n and Godbot like this.
  6. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    A space elevator
    eksynn likes this.
  7. zernoc56

    zernoc56 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i played the unstable update to try it out. The starting broadsword could no longer block damage, and its special ability ran out after like 1.5 seconds, enough time to hit something 1-2 times, 3 if you got lucky, and the touch damage was like 23 a hit, and all the mobs took like four hits to kill. In order to survive successive combat encounters, you need as many bandages as you can get. Then there were the creatures that had a shell thing that took three to four hits to break, revealing three more mobs that take another two swings to kill. :disshappy:
  8. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    In my experience, the spin slash works better if you either use energy dash while using it or just wait until you're cornered. I'll be honest though, it's sort of sucky. the crafted weapon skill, by FAR, is the spear's "flurry" it lasts longer than spin slash and does much more damage, it's more versatile and you can hit multiple monsters with it.
    eksynn likes this.
  9. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    In my experience I play as the race who gets guns by default
  10. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    I normally would wind up using guns as my main weaponry and maybe have like 1 melee weapon, since you know, energy ain't cheap, but I find myself liking the melee route a lot more this time around. The special moves make melee feel more engaging, and with the addition of boomerangs, I found myself mainly using my greatsword, occasionally using my two flame boomerangs as supplementary damage, and having only an assault rifle as a pure ranged alternative.
  11. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    There's still no better feeling than dropping in dual wielding submachine guns and spraying lead(?) everywhere.
  12. IxFa

    IxFa Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh yes, I never even considered using FTL because it wouldn't work in the air.
    For one thing, I found the dash handy for eliminating fall damage. It was also generally more necessary when used in the air. You're more limited at the ground.

    So far, the energy dash change is the worst thing for me.
    eksynn likes this.
  13. Awesome McCoolname

    Awesome McCoolname Void-Bound Voyager

    I like a lot of things in this update, including the damage on contact for enemies. I feel that it adds some challenge to the game.
  14. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    I wouldn't call it challenging at all, it's more like "punishing". They spent all this time making a bunch of special moves as a huge incentive to use melee weaponry, and then they punish us for it by making us take an absurd amount of damage just because we got a little to close while trying to punch something in the eyeball or something. I wouldn't mind it as much if it wasn't blatantly obvious from some of the unique mobs (mainly these two [​IMG] [​IMG] ) that the only reason it was added back is because some of the UMs don't have actual attacking skills and that damage on contact was the only way to remedy it on short notice.
  15. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think now melee has fallen into it's place, good old fashion fisticuffs between players. PVP boxing league!
  16. IxFa

    IxFa Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have come to the conclusion that you cannot use capture pods on unique monsters
    But I want that fox monster, it's so cute!

    I'm so disappointed.
    No more energy dash
    No fox pet
    Nekrodemon, eksynn and Danwoo21 like this.
  17. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    At least we can have pvp fisticuffs
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Did I mistype something? Because you don't quite seem to have understood me there.
  19. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    Actually I'm really looking forward to PVP with melee weapons only. Reminds me of the early stages of the beta where we would fly around energy dashing in the sky constantly trying to get the 1-hit-ko in. Good times, good times.
  20. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    How else do you expect to get up so high?[DOUBLEPOST=1448831180][/DOUBLEPOST]
    But is there a more satisfying melee weapon than your own fist, to know it's your own body that holds the power to beat the shit out of someone?

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