[Unstable] Glad Giraffe, Now a Little Less [Unstable]

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. kyren submitted a new blog post:

    [Unstable] Glad Giraffe, Now a Little Less [Unstable]

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2015
    Captain Rage, Morzan, Tamorr and 6 others like this.
  2. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Good to hear that the new Stable should be out soon, and good to see that Unstable is more...stable.
    also armor dying yess
    Morzan, Flake13 and Khuur like this.
  3. steelwing

    steelwing Big Damn Hero

    But if the Unstable is now more stable, will the upcoming Stable be more unstable to compensate?
    :p ;)
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Tiledbound, Tiledbound, Tiledbound...
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    OrbitalMan likes this.
  6. bobbilc

    bobbilc Void-Bound Voyager

    Well then but when will the update hit us?
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    My body is reggie.
    Unclever title likes this.
  8. RazeMaster

    RazeMaster Aquatic Astronaut

    Thx so much chuckles.

    Hatsya Souji, Flake13 and Kawa like this.
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I see Tiled shit!
  10. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    i love yous @.@
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    And here we go!
    avianmission1.json - Tiled.png
    Morzan, Tamorr, Monijir and 1 other person like this.
  12. Benkinz99

    Benkinz99 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm thinking of fallout power armor, and how you can paint it hot pink. I cant wait to wear bad-ass demon armor..... In hot pink.
    Also can we do like custom decals? like flame Decals for armor? OR CARS. OMG best idea EVER! Paint-able cars and hoverbikes!!!
    We could paint our hover bikes with flame decals or flower decals (mentioned above) but we could also paint them with normal dyes!
    This way we could cruise around in our customized vehicle. I cant wait to get in street races with my Black and Flame decal hoverbike.

    Here, Black painted Hoverbike! (did this myself, took forever.)
  13. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    I had some petals and glass ready just so I could see how dying worked... with some items, it's great. Others have mixed up colors. On the explorer's shirt I was wearing, red made it yellow, yellow made it blue, and blue made it pink. So yea. Dye carefully, my friends.
  14. dawg911

    dawg911 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • Fixes for the floran boss damaging too much.
    so it was not just me .... must have fought him 25 + time before i raged typed /admin .....

    i finished the complete current quest line without geting killed once ... exept for that boss .... glad they nerfed it . but the problem isnt really the damage , but those stupid adds that come in like 6 in a bunch and just run at you so fast you cant do shit but getting killed , not from their attacks but only for walking trough you .... i dont care about damage on touch . exept for that one boss.

  15. Zoomah

    Zoomah Big Damn Hero

    The steel elevator moves by one tile to the left if you come back to a planet... but only when you place it so, that the platform is on the top. Didn't test it with all elevators yet, but the large steel elevator is bugged like that.

    Placing it like that:
    2015-12-02 18_13_45-Starbound - Beta.png
    then save and quit, reload the char and it looks like that:
    2015-12-02 18_14_20-Starbound - Beta.png
    Hope that helps

    PS: yes its on all elevators
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
    Morzan, benignInferno, eksynn and 3 others like this.
  16. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Where do we get Tiled?
  17. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  18. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    Fix endlessly repeating sounds
    THANK YOU. Now I can play with sound on for the first time since initial release. This is probably the best change in my opinion because I never played with sound on for this specific reason.
    benignInferno likes this.
  19. Kokiri Minish

    Kokiri Minish Space Penguin Leader

    That's nice...would be nicer with no contact damage but hey at least contact damage makes DYE more!!!;);););)
    eksynn and necroxzero like this.
  20. 43DarkNero

    43DarkNero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    can we please not have contact damage? ._.
    Proydoha, Morzan, TechnoVibe and 4 others like this.

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