Unknown monster

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EverGreen Ted, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. EverGreen Ted

    EverGreen Ted Tentacle Wrangler

    So I was doing my own thing several weeks ago, before the update and having no beta access. I was in the mine mining and killing monsters in a new save file to complete the monster goals in the Guild.

    While blowing up stuff with bombs a creature I have never seen before popped out of the rocks (I guess?) and started to run away, I didn't know what it was capable of so I hit it and killed it.
    I didn't come into my mind to take a screenshot of it and after the encounter I browsed the web to see what it might be and what drop it may have since it dropped nothing. No results, whatsoever.

    Again, note that this was about 3 weeks ago. Before the new update and with no beta access.
    That doesn't really mean much to be honest, because not even the changelog shows anything like the thing I saw.

    Three weeks forward I am still playing and even forgot about the find, giving it no further thought after telling myself: "If I found it once, I can do it again. Whatever I actually did, because I don't know. I guess I'll randomly stumble upon it another time."

    Right before writing this post I found it again and my first reaction was to hit that PrtSc button like it was never hit before and here it is:


    This time I didn't hit it and tried approaching it, to see if it deals damage. It does not.
    It ran into that corner and started shaking.

    That's all I have. If anyone knows anything, please share.
    • Papierzasta

      Papierzasta Void-Bound Voyager

      Please correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, but I believe it is the Rock Crab without a rock on its back. You said you were using bombs - they can destroy the rocks the crabs carry and leave them "naked". That's why it ran away.
        ManaUser and ShneekeyTheLost like this.
      • ShneekeyTheLost

        ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

        This is the answer. That's a rock crab without its rock. You can either hit a rock crab with a pickaxe a few times and break it or use bombs. Once rock-less, it will scurry away from you.

        Good thing is that you can sometimes get a Crab drop from them, which is useful in completing the Crab Pot bundle.
        • EverGreen Ted

          EverGreen Ted Tentacle Wrangler

          Oh, it all makes sense.

          I was too absorbed by the fact that after 500 hours of playtime I have found something I have not seen before. I rarely use bombs
          and I doubt I would have ever tried to pickaxe the crab several times to see what happens.

          The wiki even mentions this but I bet it's everyone's fault for not getting full info on weaker enemies they only meet few times in lower level mine rooms. =p


          Thank you for the answers.

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