Hey there, I'm happy to present my biggest and first project to you! Its a barren planet called "Unity City" (I actually named the planet "Olara" but the city's name is Unity City") It has an RP background, which im going to wrap up a little: Unity City started as a colony founded by the company "United Terran Resources" (UTR). They chose to build up a colony there because there were rare materials in the ground, and the area around the "Freedon Reservoir" (A big lake) was fertile land. Somehow the Miniknog managed to get to know the planet and they were also iterested in the resources of this planet. As if there wasnt enough space to build another colony, they invaded the former little defenceless colony. Unfortunately the population didn't even have time to call earth. Some of the inhabitants were kapt to work on the fields, in the mines or in factories, others were transportet off the planet. They were never heard of again. After the attack on earth, the rest of the company searched for a new place to build up a city for the humans that escaped. As there were quite many who were actually evacuated by the companys emergency ships, and it was assumed that many, many others somehow managed to escape on their own, they were looking for a place which featured enough space to shelter everyone who would have wanted to get a new home. as olara had more than enough space for everyone, they headed there. the fleet of the UTR which wasnt affected by the attack because they were somewhere at moon, sent a little ship to announce the fleet and the thousands of refugees who headed to their colony. As the ship didn't get anything on human frequencies, they called the rest of the fleet to be careful. As the Miniknog saw the Battlecruisers arriv they just fled and left the population apex as well as humans behind on olara. Without the soldiers of the miniknog, the apex inhabitants were completely defenceless and they surrendered and because they were upset about how the Miniknog just abandoned them, they joined the UTR. Because the Human population of olara and the refugees from earth (and the abandoned Apex, of course) were united ion this city, it was from then on called "Unity City".once the order was restored, the UTR basically invited everyone to come and start a new life in Unity City. Unity City grew fast because more and more refugees from earth came but also some people from other races asked if they could live there, some didnt want to follow the rituals of their guys, some fled from the miniknog etc. *phew* enough! This isn't a history lesson so now you get to see the actual city Even though I used the Admin-Mode to get some Items you can't get in the "vanilla" game itself, everything else was collected by myself without the use of mods or just spawning all the materials in the admin mode or with a inventory editor. The city itself is splitted in sectors. These are: -The Old Town -Downtown -Kempton -Fortune Heights -The Unity City Interstellar Spaceport The Old Town The Old Town consists of the old apex constructions. It is a very beautiful district which also is the multicultural center of the city. Here you can meet nearly every race, living together in peace. Downtown Downtown is... well its like you would imagine 'downtown' I'ts featuring skyscrapers as well as the famous "Olaris Tower" which is the tallest building in the whole city. As I am working together with the famous @Beatrice Memmo and she has done really great things and I always had a nice time with her, Downtown features a statue of her. Kempton Kempton is the red-light district of Unity City. Although it features various activities. The rents and the standart of living are at the bottom. It might have something to do with the crimerate in this district. The UCPD tries at least to keep the crime in kempton and not to let it take over the rest of the city. Fortune Heights Fortune Heights is some kind of an suburban district in Unity City. The major tries to keep the big city out of this district. It is a quiet and peaceful place with a high standart of living, but the rents are rediculously high. Unity City Interstellar Spaceport The UCIS is a big spaceport but not nothing in comparison to the city around it. Unfortunately the need of space restricts it from beeing decent. Only big ships are allowed to land directly on the planet's surface. Every other ship has to dock at an orbital station and the customers have to be brought down by ferries. Last but not least, there is a monument right near the metro station. Its a big replication of the logo of the UTR to symbolise the power of the UTR to build all this and to keep it all running. This has been my biggest project so far, I will probably expand this thread with future projects. Again special thanks to my dear @Beatrice for all the support and the grat time. I hope you check out her awesome thread too. Feel free to leave some feedback.
Very nice! I really like the different architecture styles in Unity City. The UTR logo and the Beatrice statue are cool. I look foward to your next projects.
Haha, nice to see you here. I think I don't have to add how great your city is, as I travelled several times to your planet to visit ist. Long live the Republic!
Thank you very much Even when I began I wanted to make every district to look and feel differently, I guess I got that goal The UTR-Logo and Beatrice's statue are the things that make me really proud. Don't worry there's more to come. I haven't even showed off everything what is built yet. And the city isn't even completely finished yet. There are some free spaces that i have to build something on. This includes buildings that i have destroyed again because they werent pretty enough. For Example the old senate building, that has been bulldozed because I didn't like the exterior. Because of this reason I've only made a picture of the actual meeting hall, which would never be inspired by star wars or something.... Never... Thank you! Thanks again, I'm still waiting for you to come back but when you come back there probably will be some new impressive buildings on UC! you know, a city is always under construction Glory and honor to the Republic! UC Fun Fact: Unity City has got a metro system which is covering the whole planet.
This looks amazing! I'm a huge fan of human builds, this has definitely given me good ideas for my future human metropolis.
I love that star wars inspired senate meeting hall, it gives me inspiration to make a senate of my own.
It's time to show off my newest construction: The Unity City Police Headquarters My favourite thing is the shooting range ^-^ I guess that should be possible Maybe we can talk via PM? Thank you! I'm happy if I was able to inspire you (As I EXCLUSIVELY build human things, maybe my future Projects might be interesting to you too ) Shame it is destroyed now, isn't it? Believe it or not but only the inside was pretty. Everything apart from what you see in the picture was pretty shit
Do you have proper warning on automatic doors to avoid accidents such as this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565269344
I found out that these proximity sensors have a range of 3 squares, so all you have to do is to guarantee that their range touch or overlap.
Well, no wonder, It is one hell of a work! I managed to build a very nice subway once, with Cobblestone Bricks and Smooth Stone Bricks, 18 squares tall (to be able to house Graviton Rails, Skyrails and a Mech all at once), across a planet of size 6k, but... I somehow lost my world (can't remember how exactly, though). I just remember how frustrating it was, to lose almost 2 days of building work (not to mention the material collection, which I did manually at that time).
After a little break, I've actually built something again. I needed a lot of time to find something to build in the space that was left. Because it's borders were the spaceport and Fortune Heights, I couldn't just build highrises again. So I remembered an idea I had when I was beginning my project and now I'm happy to show to you: The Unity City Sewage Treatment Plant I think it pretty much meets my expectations. I liked the idea of these security stations with the big tesla spike on top to protect the citizens from doing something stupid. There still is some space unfinished but I already have some ideas for it. You'll see more soon. And last but not least: I wish you a merry merry christmas and happy new year!
That... is awesome. I mean, for a sewage treatment plant, it is. You know what I mean. A merry merrychristmas to you as well!
Happy 2016 to everyone! Now one of the last things is done and its name is: John Cena Nah just kidding United Terran Resources proudly presents: Mount Ripley I just wanted to create a real recreational thing in unity city. Somewhat peaceful and relaxing. I pretty much like it and I think it is a pretty good end because not that far to the right theres the spaceport again and you would just run into a wall and I don't think thats an amazing feeling. --- Thank you! Well a sewage treatment plant is no beauty but if there wasn't one somewhere the citizens would end up taking a shower in - well u know what I mean Yes! Look in the original post you can see it in the picture of the "Kempton" district