bam300 updated United Universe with a new update entry: United Universe v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Oops, just realised I forgot to remove the Shockhopper Mech drops from Alien Queen, you might want to do that before publishing it.
You can't yet, this mod is still in beta. But if you have the right version, you can type /warp instanceworld:alienboss to fight it.
bam300 updated United Universe with a new update entry: United Universe v1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
I'll download this mod once monsters,items,bosses, etc. spawn naturally rather than using admin commands.
bam300 updated United Universe with a new update entry: United Universe v1.2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
YO found a good program to make .json files now im making missions! they will only be some little test ones for now
bam300 updated United Universe with a new update entry: Science update Read the rest of this update entry...