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RELEASED United Trading Corporation Cargo Ship 1.4

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by PirateFromVoid, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Raoul_Duke

    Raoul_Duke Void-Bound Voyager

    This is, by far, my favorite ship. You have absolutely outdone yourself by making this! Big internet hug for you!
  2. JohnBlacksad

    JohnBlacksad Space Spelunker

    Nostromo ?????? oh....oh...ooh..... OOOOOH THATS AWESOOOOOME !!!!!!!!!
  3. NostromoWatcher

    NostromoWatcher Space Hobo

    Looking forward to seeing more of your Nostromo work. You have a great start!,
  4. PirateFromVoid

    PirateFromVoid Orbital Explorer

    new update, sorry for deley
  5. YodaMorpheus7

    YodaMorpheus7 Big Damn Hero

  6. JohnStar145

    JohnStar145 Big Damn Hero

    Uhm, isn't this suppose to be in the SHIPS thread rather than in the vehicles and mounts thread?

    Just sayin
  7. genericmoddeduser

    genericmoddeduser Intergalactic Tourist

    This looks like a really good mod and I'd love to use it, but it's outdated. Please update it thanks!
  8. BlindeKillen

    BlindeKillen Big Damn Hero

    Wow this is beautiful. Yeah please update it! :)

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