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RELEASED Ultimate Race Loader [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Races' started by Mwarner, Dec 12, 2013.


Is this a Good Idea?

  1. Yes

    58 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    To be honest yes, yes I am. If the Individual wants their mod removed it will be without question.
    I am not claiming the mods as my own, this is just more of a collection.
    Links will not be provided but Names of the Devs will be.
  2. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    As the links would not have to be maintained, why wouldn't you?
    You can just put a hyperlink in the name of the race, I think the creators of the individual races would appreciate that aswell :).
    Also, even if you are going to add races without the creators' permissions, posting a reply in their discussion thread saying you're using their race in URL wouldn't hurt. Plus, that's a free advertisement :) (Ofcourse that is if you haven't already done this).
  3. Holgast

    Holgast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you for promoting our Varan race in this mod. You have our approval!

    I'd appreciate it, though, if you credited all of us, since it's a joint project between myself, Neawx, Jenohart and Kraiten.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  4. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    Have you already uploaded V0.2? I can't find the download link anywhere!
    You might want to fix a little typing mistake you made in the assets folder, recipes is misspelled. ("recepies")

    Why doesn't this show up in the Mod Section for me :(
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  5. Uboa Noticed You

    Uboa Noticed You Master Chief

    The elf mod literally just updated an hour ago, are you going to update this mod soon?
  6. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    The Elf had 4 updates in literally 4 hours :rofl:
    V.02 will be out today after I clean up all the updated races.
  7. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    Now this is very disturbing, please contact each of the mod developers immediately. It doesn't matter if you claim credit or not, you have to ask permission unless they specifically say you can use their work in other work without contacting them.

    And it doesn't take a lot of work to hyperlink the names of the Devs, at least link to the thread if not the creator's profile. Or better yet, both.
  8. Uboa Noticed You

    Uboa Noticed You Master Chief

    I'm with Kapra on this one. I love U.R.L. but you should really contact the mod devs with this sort of information. They might not be confidant in publishing their mod in any compilations yet and have their team's name associated with unfinished content.
    In any case, refusing to link people to the original mods is unacceptable.
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    This is why I said "can I stop you?" when I was asked if it was okay to put the felins in back on page 1. Even if I said no, nothing can stop you from doing it anyway. Even after explaining, at length, certain obvious issues with a project like this.

    And that was before the news came out about the next SB update, which I sincerely hope will put all these loader mods and compilations to rest.

    Yes, even my own 32-slot mod.
  10. Nexus

    Nexus Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, Chucklefish just needs to flesh out their policies for posting mods. Nexusmods has been around for a while, and they have the following when you try to upload (most importantly, the last two lines):

  11. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    I agree with all of you!
    It was cleared up a few days ago.
  12. Nexus

    Nexus Void-Bound Voyager

    I think you misread my post. It's an issue as long as you redistribute the works of others within your mod without their permission. If users had to go download the assets of the other mods from their respective links after downloading your mod, then it wouldn't run into issues of legality.
  13. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Well to final put an end to this very bland discussion, I will be requesting permission from every individual.
    So this stop this conversation at this point. If any dev tells I do not have their permission a new version will be released without there mod.
    Visual that all mod Devs were inboxed.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  14. Holgast

    Holgast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Neawx and I have already given you permission. Although an update will be out soon.
  15. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    After Talk with all of the other race devs, and had a talk about Merge and the removal of the IDs I have decided to delete the mod.
    For 2 reasons, the first which is stated above, and the Second the majority felt that they were losing the feed back to there indiviual mod and decided decline me of permission.
  16. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    glad i downloaded this when I did. they should have let you keep it up until the update that removed the id's etc....currently it's very annoying to mod in more than one race.
    Mwarner likes this.
  17. Hammie The Hamster

    Hammie The Hamster Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im glad i dl'ed this when i could too. Thanks Mwarner for the hard work regardless, its definitely appreciated by us players, even if it isnt appreciated by certain devs ;p Your mod allowed us to play multiple races at once, where as like the post above me stated, its a real hassle (And for some who arent familiar with modding - impossible) to get two or more race mods working together without any conflicts. This meant most players had to pick and choose which custom race (or races) they could play as, but with this mod all those supported custom races had some limelight and exposure to the average players when they otherwise wouldnt have. Anyway, thanks again :)
    Mwarner likes this.
  18. Kellins

    Kellins Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There was one race I wanted in the group, but it never made it. sadly, the lack of cooperation took effect when he could of posted links to all of the races mods, because there could of been some people who'd only want one. but this was a good middle ground for everyone to have what they wanted and be happy about it.
    Can't really blame anyone, since everyone does deserve credit in one way or another, Just sucks a good mod was shot down so quickly without thought of the people who appreciate this kind of thing. Thanks anyways, and I'll still follow the races I liked. Heck I downloaded them and keeping watch incase there's a fix in conflicting races. Otherwise, i'll just have to figure out how to get the race to just work in the mod folder, without moving everything into the original files.
    Mwarner likes this.
  19. thatz

    thatz Void-Bound Voyager

    Shame this was deleted... Like Hammie said, race mods are always conflicting with each other, and then you got folks like me who are like "how do mod?????" so I really appreciated this mod since all I had to do was drop it in the mods folder and bam. All the races were there.

    Hopefully something like this can make a comeback. Do a collaboration with folks, maybe? I don't really see why it shouldn't be a thing.
    Mwarner likes this.
  20. Tyty

    Tyty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Welcome to modding, where a lot of modders don't like sharing their toys ;)

    While it is nice to have credit for what you've done, I just like my mod getting out there. I don't see why modpacks can't exist, but... well, this was never branded as a modpack to begin with. That probably had something to do with it. Not to mention its main reason for existing, race conflicts, is being patched out soon. Not to mention, most of us were asked permission after the deed was done, rather than before. I don't really care, as long as people are enjoying what I've done, but I can see where people are coming from on this one. I just hope it doesn't become a mess like Nexus as a whole, or Minecraft Modding (Mandatory non-valid copyright disclaimers is the dumbest thing)

    I can see maybe down the line a pack of close-to-starbound-like races, or the like, when race actually means more than mandibles or cat ears. But maybe it's a bit too soon to try and poke some of the modders with the ever looming threat of people playing their mod from another download?
    thatz and Mwarner like this.

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