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RELEASED Ultimate Race Loader [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Races' started by Mwarner, Dec 12, 2013.


Is this a Good Idea?

  1. Yes

    58 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

  2. Fantos

    Fantos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I click on the mod races, but it's just switching between the vanilla races
    Mwarner likes this.
  3. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Hmmmm You just placed into your Mods Folder?
    I will look into this and have it fixed as soon as possible..back to work I suppose :rofl:
    I removed my URL folder and replaced it with the Downloadable one and had no issues..
    This mods contents are only in the url mod, are you using a clean version of Starbound?
    (Other race mods are not compatible with out a merge.)

    @EveryoneGoing to upload a Video to Youtube.
    Also added argonian
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  4. Fantos

    Fantos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yup, just put in the Mod folder.
  5. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Not sure If you saw the Edit or not.
    "I removed my URL folder and replaced it with the Downloadable one and had no issues..
    This mods contents are only in the url mod, are you using a clean version of Starbound?
    (Other race mods are not compatible with out a merge.)"

    Let me know if you notice anything else I will continue to look into why this is not working for you.
  6. robflop

    robflop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just saying that this is AWESOME!
    All time favorite mod.
    Mwarner likes this.
  7. Fantos

    Fantos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, there was a brainfart. Anyway, I take another attempt
    Succes. I redownload it, and now it's working. Awesome! I have no idea what happened before.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    Mwarner likes this.
  8. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey! I just installed this. And it worked. Automatically! No fuss. No muss. :)
    Mwarner likes this.
  9. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Glad you liked it! The whole purpose was to make the average player more comfortable with the mods :D
    I will be patching this probably once a day with new races and updating the old ones :D

    Edit: Since custom buttons in this have to be hard coded, I have been rerouting other aspects from different parts of the game implementing them into the menu so hopefully will have a New System really soon!
  10. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Like it, and hope to see lots of additional races added.

    I'm still wondering though, why bother struggling adding pages when you could easily expand the selection screen? I'm sure it'd be easier for the users of the mod aswell. (Example given below).
  11. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    I suppose its just appealing when its more narrow, Pages will make things simple once implemented.
    Less clutter and with the future removal of the ID system this will become quite efficient.
    Also you stated it would be easier for users to select, Indeed it is easier to see all of the races at once but lacks the elegant look.
    and provides tons of clutter.

    Give it due time.
  12. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I'll see what you'll come up with, but sometimes functionality > design, especially since you won't be staring at your character creation screen for (hopefully) more than 5-10 minutes per character you make.
    Also, if possible, I would suggest adding a page number between the two arrows.

    Good luck improving URL :)

    Edit: An elegant look, you say? How about something like this, or even a bigger main selection screen to include the main races too? :eek: (Ofcourse, this is far from perfect, I'm not all that good at sprites.)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Mwarner, Eldrake and robflop like this.
  13. robflop

    robflop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Really liking it.
  14. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Thanks, I improved it a little bit with some shadows I found in the assets and a better background. Still, these are just suggestions/ideas :).
    The atmosphere looks a bit off, but for now I'll leave it here unless people want to see more improvements. And of course like I said before, sometimes functionality > design, so people might not even like to see something like this actually being applied.
  15. robflop

    robflop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It really looks good, but yes, it would mean more space usage and more work.
  16. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    URL Version 0.2 Update Coming Tomorrow!
    Also any races that you would like added please inform me and I will try and add them before the Patch!
  17. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    Ningen and Insectid Races i would love to see included
    Mwarner likes this.
  18. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    If I may make a suggestion, move the lines for aspects of the different races so instead of 4 - 4 - 1 it'd be 3 - 3 - 3, with the last column's exact amount varying depending on race. Just so its more equally distributed.
    Mwarner likes this.
  19. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer


    Any more suggestions would be very appreciated!
  20. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    Wait, are you just adding races to your mod without getting the creators permission?

    Also, I recommend linking to the threads that you got the mods from, in case anyone wants to give the creators a like.

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