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RELEASED Ultimate Race Loader [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Races' started by Mwarner, Dec 12, 2013.


Is this a Good Idea?

  1. Yes

    58 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Ultimate Race Loader:
    Hello all Race Developers!

    I have recently opened the Character Customization amount of races to 12!
    I want to form together and make one mod that allows us to use all of our races!
    If you would like to join the Ultimate Race Loader Mod please leave a Link to Race Thread
    I will organize the mod for download after all 12 slots are filled!
    Seven Slots are already filled with the Standard 6 and then the Ursine Race, 5 More races will be added.
    (Anytime your Mod Updates I will Make a Patch!)

    Download: Version 0.1

    • Ursine-Mwarner
    • Alyass-Wazupmaster
    • Elf-Ahmi
    • Kangaru-espilonarge
    • Amfin-Ponyus
    • Varan-Neawx, Jenohart and Kraiten
    • Felin-Kawa
    • Kaenid-Tofuffalo
    • Argonians-Sabboth
    • Ningen-Odabutsu
    • Insectlid-Tyty
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    12? Try 26. :)
  3. Wazupmaster

    Wazupmaster Phantasmal Quasar

    This seems like a good idea! If ya wouldn't mind, I'd love it if my Alyass race were added :)
  4. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Once 12 slots are filled I will slowly expand it! I wouldnt want to leave anyone out!
    (This should also make hosting a server with all new races a lot of fun! :D)
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Naw, I meant at the time I wrote that that 12 is hardly "ultimate" when there's a 26-slot charcreator. Not to mention, if I understood your opening post correctly, this'd be a potential bitch to maintain, I'd imagine. But hey, keep at it!
  6. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Added, when you get a chance send me the player icon images as well if you make a custom ship:
    It wont be to bad to maintain and it just makes some peoples lives easier but thank you for your kind words! Will I be adding the Felins?
    edit: by Ultimate I meant best way to just have them but I suppose up'ing the amount if more want would be fine! :D
  7. Wazupmaster

    Wazupmaster Phantasmal Quasar

    Will do, thank you :D
  8. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    Rather than making a mod that is a compilation of other mods, I'd rather a mod, which other mods make compatible with, where they put their race ID as a variable that is determined by this mod so that they do not conflict. I honestly don't think 26 sots are needed, 12 sounds more than plenty for the average person. Thing is, if they download a mod compilation of like 6 races, they may only play like two. A mod that organizes other race mods they install would be much more helpful, not that I know if that is possible for this game.
  9. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Well there are some issues right now because the files that are needed for a race would over right each other so this is a way for people to have all of them, this would also make servers that want to use all the races a lot easier, and If they only wanted one then they could just download one.
    But thanks for the feed back!
  10. Kapra

    Kapra Void-Bound Voyager

    What I was suggesting was a mod that edited charcreation.config and codex.config so that all race mods applied wouldn't have conflicted race ID entries.

    What I understood from your mod is that it is either a GUI that mod creators or mod users need to edit with custom IDs, or it's an amalgamation of existing race mods that you have players download in bulk. Problem with this is there will be infinitely increasing races by the day and there will be multiple mods for the same race. (I believe there are three homestuck mods at the moment?).

    If possible, I think a custom GUI + a codex/charcreation handler would be better, as server owners can just instruct which races to download, and this GUI. Rather than download one big mod that's 100x larger in size.
    Mwarner likes this.
  11. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    The mod is not very big at all, I also do all and any editing to the files needed, it is just plug and play, It may not be efficient for me to edit but even if you dont play as them it just nice to have them.
    Look at a game like Tekken It has tons of Characters (Races in our case), but yet some people wont even touch them :rofl: So it kinda the same. I suppose If the user only wanted selected mods then they would be stuck doing it them self's. (Also when a Mod edits there Mod, I will patch it for the next update. Keeping all mods upto date through out the beta.)

    Also I do agree a custom Codex and Character creation config might be more effective, there are still edits that would need to be done by hand. So until we have reached that point then it will have to be done by hand and be very tedious this is why I am making this for the people that would just rather have it all done in an instances rather do it there selves.
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    My internet cut out for the day right when I had this all written out and I couldn't post it. But to be honest I can't be arsed to update it with all these new posts. Keep that in mind as you read this.

    Way I see it, if you can reduce the total amount of work for all involved, you'd be on the right track.

    What I understand you intend to do here is to have a single super species mod with all of them in one pack, with a pre-prepared (?!) character creator. That means those modders who don't play along would still need to do the same things as before, as do the users of their mods. Meanwhile, you take on sole responsibility of a collection mod that could get rather big, keeping track of the versions of its component parts... which means more work for you, in exchange for hopefully less work for the users. Oh wait, they'd have to get the species mods of those who don't play along to work with your stuff!

    On the other hand, you could keep the workload roughly as it now and just shave off an installation step or two.

    Can I stop you?
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Oh yes, I remember now! I had an argument in mind about ethics, mod download hubs (like Chucklefish's), and things like votes. IIRC, it was that if you had a single entry on such a site for a compilation pack, any votes and such left for it would apply to you and your work, not to the component parts and those who made them.

    Kindly keep in mind I was already half asleep by the time I came up with that one.
  14. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How about infinite? Just make a scroll wheel bar thing and more and more you add races (alphabeticly classed) they get put in that automaticly.
  15. RockyTV

    RockyTV Big Damn Hero

    Mwarner likes this.
  16. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    I remember I used to play this old awesome pc racing game POD. One of Ubisofts first games. It came with 16 tracks and 8 vehicles. They promised to release new tracks and vehicles for free. They made good on that promise and more than doubled the amount of both. What I remember being really cool was how easy it was to install them. You just extracted the file into whatever directory you were supposed to and BAM the new track would appear on page 2. You could add tracks in any order you wanted. It just worked, ya know?

    That's what I'd like to see for an "ultimate race loader" mod One where it expands the available race slots (I also like the idea of having multiple pages) and you can pick where each individual race mod your download appears on the race selection screen with relative ease.
    Mwarner likes this.
  17. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    Except there are 7 starbound vanilla races the seventh one is just not currently implemented its the novakid (wont be implemented till full release though
    Mwarner likes this.
  18. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    I am going to see what I can do about this, will post back with results!

    Yes, we all know this, but this mod is made for Beta in which this character does not exist. The beta is also 3 stages long, it will be a while before novakid is even implemented. So there is no point worrying about the "7th race". As well as this mod is very simple to add in and adjust the races.
    VIcariousViking likes this.
  19. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Thanks to Xander Kau for a wonderful idea of moving the characters off to the right I have made test build of URL:
    Download will be released later today.
    (Note: If you have asked to have your mod placed in this please continue to update it so I don't have to ^.^ As fo rthe mods that I have placed in this; I did so because I enjoyed your race. )

    VIcariousViking likes this.
  20. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

    Is it later today already?

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